ros2 / rosbag2

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Strange location of recorder and player executables #1736

Open Timple opened 6 days ago

Timple commented 6 days ago


We can run the recorder as a node by:

ros2 run rosbag2_transport recorder

This cannot be guessed but has to be reverse engineered from code.

Expected Behavior

ros2 run rosbag2 recorder


ros2 run ros2bag recorder

Actual Behavior

Type ros2 run rosbag2 and try tab-complete, this fails

To Reproduce

These templates are getting rediculous.



Additional context

Yes, there the commanline cli of course. But in launchfiles this:

<node name="rosbag_operational" pkg="rosbag2" exec="recorder" />

Looks much better than

<executable cmd="ros2 bag record --node-name rosbag_operational"/>

As it's consistent with other stuff, better passes ros arguments etc. Also node renaming and remapping is much better.

roncapat commented 6 days ago

Hi @Timple, see for previous discussions on this matter.

roncapat commented 6 days ago

And here is the draft PR

Timple commented 6 days ago


Do you want me to keep it open as placeholder? Or feel free to close it

roncapat commented 6 days ago

I linked resolution of my PR to this issue, I would leave this open. Could you check the PR and provide feedback, if any? So I may try to find some time to complete it :)