ros2 / sros2

tools to generate and distribute keys for SROS 2
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sros2 package Quality level status #217

Open mikaelarguedas opened 4 years ago

mikaelarguedas commented 4 years ago

Discussed in the working group meeting, this is for tracking the state of sros2 with respect to Quality Levels defined in REP-2004

An example of quality declaration document for a Python package

We will likely need to do a second pass taking into account what is in the Developer Guide as it states more precisely what policies are applied for some of these items

1 Version Policy:

mikaelarguedas commented 4 years ago

This is a visual aid to see where we stand compared to quality levels. This is just to visually represent the list in the first comment. List in first comment is the source of truth

SROS2 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1.i :heavy_check_mark: x x x o
1.ii x x x
1.iii :heavy_check_mark: x x o
1.iv :heavy_check_mark: x x x
1.v :heavy_check_mark: x x x :heavy_check_mark: x x o
2.i :heavy_check_mark: x x x o
2.ii :heavy_check_mark: x x
2.iii :heavy_check_mark: x
2.iv :heavy_check_mark: x x x
2.v x
3.i x x
3.ii x
3.iii :heavy_check_mark: x x x x
3.iv :heavy_check_mark: x x x x
3.v x x
3.v.a x x x
3.v.b :heavy_check_mark: o o
3.v.c x x x
4.i x x o o
4.ii x
4.iii.a :heavy_check_mark: x x
4.iii.b :heavy_check_mark: x
4.iv.a x
4.iv.b x
4.v.a :heavy_check_mark: x x
4.v.b :heavy_check_mark: x x
5.i x x
5.iii x x
6.i :heavy_check_mark: x x x o
7.i :heavy_check_mark: x x o
ros-discourse commented 4 years ago

This issue has been mentioned on ROS Discourse. There might be relevant details there:

ros-discourse commented 4 years ago

This issue has been mentioned on ROS Discourse. There might be relevant details there:

kyrofa commented 4 years ago

There are currently no plans for either ros2cli or rclpy to implement REP 2004. As a result, while this list gives us insight into areas we can and should definitely improve, I don't think we'll be able to claim quality level 2.

mikaelarguedas commented 4 years ago

This is unfortunate, while we could have made a case that rclpy should not be a hard dependency for sros2, ros2cli definitely is a core foundation for this package. As you saids this will prevent from claiming quality level 2 or lower.

We could start by making sure we fulfill all level 3 requirements and move on to have all the boxes ticks for level 2 but the dependencies. We can then see what the situation is for the dependencies at that time. WDYT?

dirk-thomas commented 4 years ago

while we could have made a case that rclpy should not be a hard dependency for sros2, ros2cli definitely is a core foundation for this package.

rclpy is a dependency of ros2cli so you will recursively anyway depend on both.

ros-discourse commented 3 years ago

This issue has been mentioned on ROS Discourse. There might be relevant details there: