rosbook / effective_robotics_programming_with_ros

Effective Robotics Programming with ROS
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Unable to transform from frame '' to frame '/base_link'. Returning entity #4

Open ChenLong-Cristian opened 7 years ago

ChenLong-Cristian commented 7 years ago

Dear Authors: when I run the command "rosrun rosbook_arm_snippets move_group_add_object" and there is a problem: Unable to transform from frame '' to frame '/base_link'. Returning entity can you help me.
thank you

ChenLong-Cristian commented 7 years ago

then when I run"roslaunch rosbook_arm_pick_and_place grasp_generator_server.launch " there is also a problem: "Grasp configuration parameter pregrasp_time_from_start missing from rosparam server. Did you load your end effector's configuration yaml file? "

version: ros-kinetic

efernandez commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your feedback @ChenLong-Cristian and sorry for the late reply. Will try to reproduce your first problem. For the second it actually seems the configuration yaml file is missed and should be loaded.