roscaandreea / myPortofolio

personal page created with react and bootstrap
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Improve app performance with Lighthouse audit score #12

Open roscaandreea opened 2 years ago

roscaandreea commented 2 years ago

picture3 picture4

roscaandreea commented 2 years ago

Just fixed the task which included removing vulnerabilities from buttons containing external liks with 25fd8087cb61680c7ba7e032731198708b8a08fc .

roscaandreea commented 2 years ago

Solve the task with service worker with this 663cfa3a5eb31c3fde585f76e72cad75e5dd7be7

roscaandreea commented 2 years ago

Solved the problem with rewrite the webpack config with 9386b5dadb7378419421f05a496cb05a3c64c872 .

roscaandreea commented 2 years ago

Resolved with activate events in service worker with 5eaa5518ad9ec667185cfee03da2f6641ab88073 .

roscaandreea commented 2 years ago

Fixed that part with clean up old caches with 3062b480800974ee8ebd7d9e800fe7454319ceeb .

roscaandreea commented 2 years ago

Completed the task with custom icons for home screen of iOS and Android devices with 83b7eb7e4dcaf56a361e794a4f84a0db07631549 .