roschaefer / rundfunk-mitbestimmen

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Find-broadcast: Pagination bug #353

Closed roschaefer closed 6 years ago

roschaefer commented 6 years ago
roschaefer commented 6 years ago

Ok, this bug is caused by a combination of our custom where_station scope and kaminari's pagination.

It only appears when you filter for stations and it's really hard to reproduce in testing/development environment. On the production database @broadcasts.to_sql in the controller gives us this SQL:

1] pry(#<BroadcastsController>)> @broadcasts.to_sql
  SQL (53.8ms)  SELECT  DISTINCT "broadcasts"."id", RANDOM() AS alias_0 FROM "broadcasts" LEFT OUTER JOIN "impressions" ON "impressions"."broadcast_id" = "broadcasts"."id" INNER JOIN "schedules" "schedule_table_alias" ON "broadcasts"."id" = "schedule_table_alias"."broadcast_id" WHERE "broadcasts"."medium_id" = 0 AND "schedule_table_alias"."station_id" = $1 ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT $2 OFFSET $3  [["station_id", "36"], ["LIMIT", 6], ["OFFSET", 0]]
=> "SELECT \"broadcasts\".\"id\" AS t0_r0, \"broadcasts\".\"title\" AS t0_r1, \"broadcasts\".\"description\" AS t0_r2, \"broadcasts\".\"topic_id\" AS t0_r3, \"broadcasts\".\"format_id\" AS t0_r4, \"broadcasts\".\"created_at\" AS t0_r5, \"broadcasts\".\"updated_at\" AS t0_r6, \"broadcasts\".\"creator_id\" AS t0_r7, \"broadcasts\".\"mediathek_identification\" AS t0_r8, \"broadcasts\".\"medium_id\" AS t0_r9, \"broadcasts\".\"schedule_id\" AS t0_r10, \"broadcasts\".\"image_url\" AS t0_r11, \"impressions\".\"id\" AS t1_r0, \"impressions\".\"response\" AS t1_r1, \"impressions\".\"amount\" AS t1_r2, \"impressions\".\"user_id\" AS t1_r3, \"impressions\".\"broadcast_id\" AS t1_r4, \"impressions\".\"created_at\" AS t1_r5, \"impressions\".\"updated_at\" AS t1_r6, \"impressions\".\"fixed\" AS t1_r7 FROM \"broadcasts\" LEFT OUTER JOIN \"impressions\" ON \"impressions\".\"broadcast_id\" = \"broadcasts\".\"id\" INNER JOIN \"schedules\" \"schedule_table_alias\" ON \"broadcasts\".\"id\" = \"schedule_table_alias\".\"broadcast_id\" WHERE \"broadcasts\".\"medium_id\" = 0 AND \"schedule_table_alias\".\"station_id\" = '36' AND \"broadcasts\".\"id\"
IN (99, 457, 444, 457, 427, 99) ORDER BY RANDOM()"

Can you see the duplicate 457 id in the IN statement? I think that's the problem. Something weird happens when we use our own where_station scope with multiple joins of the same table and then do pagination on top of that.