roschaefer / story.board

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New manual sensor calibration #521

Open drjakob opened 7 years ago

drjakob commented 7 years ago

As member of service team I want to have the option of manual calibration sensors by input: max:value max:newcalibrated_value and input min_value and min:newcalibrated_value.

(replaces #190)

roschaefer commented 7 years ago

I think there are two issues here: We have min and max values in the sensor type. These min and max values are applied on all sensors. So, is this issue about

1) changing min and max in the sensor type or 2) indeed has sth. to do with calibration?

Regarding 2) I thought we're not using our reporterbox anymore?

drjakob commented 7 years ago

Its 2.) But our reporterbox-idea needs real min-max situations for sensors. Its calibration. It won't work inside a cow or with gas (because you would have to bring bottles with NH3 and O3 with you).

What we'll implement is a strictly mathematical operation to calibrate performed by story.board. Its a 2-point-match.