rose-pine / neovim

Soho vibes for Neovim
MIT License
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bug: when turning on the transparency, the status line also becomes transparent, making it hard to see. #302

Closed bhuvneshuchiha closed 1 month ago

bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago

Neovim version (nvim -v)


Terminal / multiplexer


Describe the bug

when turning on the transparency, the status line also becomes transparent, making it hard to see.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 10 06 01 AM


vim.o.packpath = "/tmp/nvim/site"

local plugins = {
  rose_pine = "",

for name, url in pairs(plugins) do
  local install_path = "/tmp/nvim/site/pack/test/start/" .. name
  if vim.fn.isdirectory(install_path) == 0 then
    vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--depth=1", url, install_path })


vim.cmd("colorscheme rose-pine")
bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago

but if I do disable background = true,

then the background becomes transparent, and the status line reappears. But again, disable background doesnt work with nvim treesitter context.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 10 10 29 AM
bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago

@sjclayton do you mind checking this one sir?

bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago

This grey background of the theme is basically Alacritty theme, so transparency and disable background both are working to disable rose pine's background color.

bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago

StatusLine= { fg = "subtle", bg = "surface" }

I have managed to get this working using the above highlight group. Is there any other fix or should I keep the above setting?

sjclayton commented 1 month ago


Nothing has changed in regards to treesitter-context... and the status line shouldn't ever be transparent (when using lualine), so setting transparency = true which is the correct setting, there is no setting called disable_background anymore - should result in treesitter-context being transparent and the status line being fully opaque transparent (when not using lualine).

The transparency for tree-sitter context is still fully working for me with the current state of the plugin (latest commit) on both nvim 0.10.0 and nightly.

Please check to ensure you are using the correct options and there is no other highlight overrides or any other config settings elsewhere (ie. your terminal) that could be causing this on your end.

sjclayton commented 1 month ago


Please remove any lines in your rose-pine config highlight group overrides for treesitter-context as the fix is integrated into rose-pine as of a few days ago, they're no longer needed for your situation. You also don't need StatusLine= { fg = "subtle", bg = "surface" }

That will resolve this.

bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 12 51 51 PM

Here as you can see, my status line is also transparent.

bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 12 58 46 PM

For tokyonight, the status line is perfectly non-transparent while the theme is transparent.. I have checked no setting is overriding the status line color as well. The issue is with rose-pine i suppose. For every other theme its working cool

sjclayton commented 1 month ago


Sorry... I just noticed you're using the default status line and not lualine.

Note: I have edited my comments above to reflect this...

So shouldn't be affected by these changes for lualine anyways --> #301

The transparency code for the normal default status line also hasn't changed recently.... and currently sets this when transparency = true

StatusLine = { fg = palette.subtle, bg = "NONE" },
StatusLineNC = { fg = palette.muted, bg = "NONE" },

Tested with default status line using minimal repro you provided on nvim 0.10.0... again, works as it should.

See screenshot below

sjclayton commented 1 month ago


This is normal behavior for rose-pine when using the default neovim status line. Other themes may handle it differently, that doesn't mean every theme needs to do the same.

If you desire different behavior for the status line, then you need to override it using highlight_groups in your rose-pine config on your own.

Hope this helps! 😄

bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago

Got it @sjclayton . Just a last request as I know I am bugging you since couple of days XD . Can you share me the config for your lualine?? that looks so dope man!!!

sjclayton commented 1 month ago


Don't worry about it, happy to help.

That isn't lualine -- that is my tmux status line... and is highly customized and may not work well outside of my system... also it doesn't use rose-pine (it uses Catppuccin, as that is my main system wide theme for everything, except Neovim 😉)

This issue should be closed then, if all is good now...

bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago

Got it! Thanks for the prompt help! Yes we can close this ! Have a great day!

sjclayton commented 1 month ago


You're welcome!!

Go ahead and close it then 😛

bhuvneshuchiha commented 1 month ago

Hahah done!