rose-pine / tmux

Soho vibes for tmux
MIT License
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Unintuitive window title behavior #12

Closed fuadsaud closed 1 year ago

fuadsaud commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for all the work, it's super nice to have the tmux colorscheme match the rest of my setup.

I find it a bit unintuitive to have the current working directory of the last selected pane in the as the window label in the window list and have the actual window title only show for the one window currently selected.

Wouldn't that be a bit better the other way around? That way the window list would clearly describe all the windows that exist and the cwd would only show up for the currently selected window/pane.

mrs4ndman commented 1 year ago

Hey there. Happy you like it!

Can you give me some context about your setup?

I could add a setting that makes the current active window display the active pane's CWD

fuadsaud commented 1 year ago

What are your settings for the plugin? I'm using the default settings

Have you updated the plugin (if installed through TPM) or git pull'ed the repository on the installation directory? (TPM update keybind is generally Prefix + U) Yes! Latest version.

To illustrate my point, consider the following hypothetical setup:

~/rose-pine-example ❯❯❯ tree -a
├── project-1
│   └── subfolder
├── project-2
│   └── subfolder
└── project-3
    └── subfolder

7 directories, 0 files
window title cwd
window #1 project 1 project-1/subfolder
window #2 project 2 project-2/subfolder
window #3 project 3 project-3/subfolder

What I get today is the following (assuming I'm standing in window #1):

Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 10 45 34

To me that's a bit confusing:

My suggestion would be to offer an experience that is the other way around:

Perhaps this could be done as a pair of settings: what to show in the left side indicator and what to show as the label for each window in the window list.

mrs4ndman commented 1 year ago

image Just tested this, and even with the CWD option for the windows set to "on", it does not show the directory. I am aware that you cannot set custom window names when the "directory-as-window-name" option is set. Will look into it during the summer.

fuadsaud commented 1 year ago

I just updated the plugin and it seems that the default behavior now is the one I described. Thanks for making that possible.