rosedu / rosedu-people

People and Activity Directory application
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Facebook Engagement #47

Open mihaibivol opened 11 years ago

mihaibivol commented 11 years ago


In order to have a bigger visibillity
As an user
I want to share my activity on Facebook


Given I am a ROSEdu community member
And I have a Facebook Account
Then I can login to rppl using Facebook Account
Given I am a ROSEdu community member
When I see a cool project
Then I can share it on Facebook
Given I am a ROSEdu community member
When I see a cool project
Then I can give a Like to that project's Facebook Page


alexandrujuncu commented 11 years ago

3rd party login systems should be secondary login systems. Never ever make the only user system based on 3rd party accounts.

aburghelea commented 11 years ago

@alexandrujuncu is right about the 3rd party accounts. A user should be able to create an account by manually filling all the necessary fields manually. Also facebook doesn't implement a standard authentication system. They define it as a "OpenId LIKE System", I recommend using a standard OpenId Provider. A list of popular ones can be found here [1]. I have used Google Accounts mostly and it has never failed me.


mihaibivol commented 11 years ago

This will be moved to backlog since someday maybe we would like to reopen it. Please close only implemented issues and move to backlog the ones that don't have a chance to be implemented in the near future.

aburghelea commented 11 years ago

My bad, I hit the wrong submit button.

mihaibivol commented 11 years ago

@tiriplicamihai I think that scenarios 2 and 3 can be done without facebook authentication.