rosemckeon / ploidy

How does disturbance on a landscape affect the establishment of new polyploid plant species?
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Find out how NAs are getting in the data #91

Closed rosemckeon closed 5 years ago

rosemckeon commented 5 years ago

Where are they and what are they doing there? (plotting is giving warnings that rows with missing values are being removed. Not too many ~20 in last plots). 98621c05cbe8bc2f9a4d757c10e5c6f4943d02ba

rosemckeon commented 5 years ago

Hmm, something is wrong with the inbreeding data. This is where all the NAs are. Always in adults and juveniles.

rosemckeon commented 5 years ago

But, the NAs are nothing to do with the population size growth issue. Those warnings are just from zooming in and cutting off the first 20 generations! (d'oh). The inbreeding NAs aren't causing rows to be dropped from the counts (and shouldn't be affecting survival - checking now).