rosenpin / Goaly

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[BUG] Goals get scheduled twice (duplicated events) #63

Open rosenpin opened 1 year ago

rosenpin commented 1 year ago

In some instances, the goal events are being scheduled twice, causing a duplication of events in calendar.
This also happens to users who only have one device running Goaly
To fix this, we need to make sure that there is a Mutex blocking duplicate run of the scheduler

killian-santos commented 8 months ago

Hello, I am a Premium user and I also have the problem which unfortunately makes Goaly unusable... However, I have the impression that this happens when I move events from Google Calendar.

rosenpin commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your feedback. What exactly do you mean by "move events from Google Calendar"?

killian-santos commented 8 months ago

In my case, I enjoy planning my goals intelligently with Goaly. However, sometimes I move events planned by Goaly to other dates.I carry out this operation directly from Google Calendar without using the app.

The first week, everything is fine but when Goaly plans the following week, that's when I have duplicates. I don't know if it's my use with Google Calendar that created this?

rosenpin commented 8 months ago

Thanks for letting us know. We will look into that when we work on this issue

killian-santos commented 7 months ago

Hi @rosenpin ! After two weeks of use, my goals are rescheduled in my calendar and appear in duplicate. My idea about Google Calendar doesn't seem to be the right one, because I deliberately left some goals there without moving them.