rosjava / android_apps

Applications built on top of the rosjava android libraries.
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map_nav not compile #40

Closed talregev closed 9 years ago

talregev commented 9 years ago

android_apps/map_nav/src/main/java/com.github.rosjava.android_apps.map_nav/ error: package move_base_msgs does not exist import move_base_msgs.MoveBaseActionGoal;

It doesn't recognize move_base_msgs, even i has at repository folder with jars: org/ros/rosjava_messges/move_base_msgs and at build.gradle of map_nav i have this line: compile 'org.ros.rosjava_messages:move_base_msgs:[1.11,1.12)' and it compile and don't say that this package are missing.

stonier commented 9 years ago

Upgraded and fixed this for indigo versions. Working now, but map_nav has a different problem due to an upgrade in the map view/camera view changes damon made a while ago. Need to fix that.

talregev commented 9 years ago

Already solve that issue. Don't remeber how.