rosjava / android_apps

Applications built on top of the rosjava android libraries.
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ROS Kinect Teleop Android App with Raspberry Pi / Camera Kinect and Raspicam_node #78

Open ARLunan opened 6 years ago

ARLunan commented 6 years ago

Kinect Build/Install for Android Tab Nougat (7.0) teleop connects and teleop function works to drive the Raspberry Pi TurtleBot 3 but no image shows. Raspicam_node publishes /raspicam_node/image/compressed [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage] but /Android/camera_view rosnode info shows Subscription to CompressedImage [unknown format].

Can this Teleop App be made to connect and work with the TurtleBot 3 Raspberry Pi/Camera Kinect?

jubeira commented 6 years ago

Hi @red24dog,

I've actually never tried that, and unfortunately I don't have the required hardware. You may need to debug the app a bit to make it work. Do the topics of the publisher and the subscriber match? Have you tried using adb and adding some logs to check if the tablet is receiving the images?

l376571926 commented 2 years ago

Kinect Build/Install for Android Tab Nougat (7.0) teleop connects and teleop function works to drive the Raspberry Pi TurtleBot 3 but no image shows. Raspicam_node publishes /raspicam_node/image/compressed [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage] but /Android/camera_view rosnode info shows Subscription to CompressedImage [unknown format].

Can this Teleop App be made to connect and work with the TurtleBot 3 Raspberry Pi/Camera Kinect?

in robot: source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash roscore roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_rpicamera.launch