rospogrigio / daikin_residential

Cloud control of Daikin devices that are supported by Daikin Residential Controller app.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need Daikin Cloud rework before March 11th 2024 #205

Open jwillemsen opened 3 months ago

jwillemsen commented 3 months ago

See and, Daikin is intentionally breaking all existing integrations including this one. They only give a month to rework the code

jwillemsen commented 3 months ago

See for a draft PR for my forked version of the Daikin HA integration

jwillemsen commented 3 months ago

The master branch of has now support for the new Daikin Cloud setup using OAuth2. This is experimental and work in progress, but first user feedback is positive, users report that they can connect and see their devices with the new Cloud setup in HA

jwillemsen commented 3 months ago

I have released a v4.0.0 pre release of the daikin_onecta integration, see

dkrushev commented 2 months ago

Today I realized the integration is not working. Based on the (lack of) data for power consumption it stopped on Sunday (10th) evening. I followed the instructions to register my developer account. Without doing anything further the old integration started working again - syncing current data and allowing control of the units. Now I'm wondering if I should install the new integration? What is different/beneficial?

kimme1024 commented 2 months ago

Today I realized the integration is not working. Based on the (lack of) data for power consumption it stopped on Sunday (10th) evening. I followed the instructions to register my developer account. Without doing anything further the old integration started working again - syncing current data and allowing control of the units. Now I'm wondering if I should install the new integration? What is different/beneficial?

Same here, lot's of problems with the new way of working and tried reverting to the old system and Daikin didn't seem to pull the plug yet... Obviously this will be a matter of time before it'll stop working. Let's hope that by then the new integration will work as intended.

jwillemsen commented 2 months ago

Daikin postponed the deprecation of the old platform a little bit, so that is why it is still working, but at some point this month the old integration will stop working.

martijnrusschen commented 2 months ago

Not sure if it's related to this deprecation, but I'm having trouble loading the integration since today.

infestdead commented 2 months ago

Same issue here since yesterday.

jwillemsen commented 2 months ago

Looks the old API has been shutdown, please migrate to

dkrushev commented 2 months ago

For me it is still working. Either there is some kind of staged shutdown that has not reached me or registering my Daikin account in the developer portal is somehow allowing me to use the old integration. I hope it hold a bit longer so I have the time to setup the new integration to feed the power consumption data to the same entries in the Energy dashboard.

infestdead commented 2 months ago

Looks the old API has been shutdown, please migrate to

Thanks! Didn't realize there was a new one, works great, via HACS.

santiagozky commented 2 months ago

still working for me as well.

paulmorabito commented 2 months ago

I have released a v4.0.0 pre release of the daikin_onecta integration, see

What's the best way to install this? Do I need to manually download and transfer or can I do via the Home Assistant UI?

I assume also we should remove the existing integration beforehand?

jwillemsen commented 2 months ago

See for the installation @paulmorabito, HACS is the easiest

paulmorabito commented 2 months ago

See for the installation @paulmorabito, HACS is the easiest

Thanks. I've created the developer account and installed 4.0.21 of the plugin. When I go to set it up, there is not config flow, only a box asking for the OAuth details. Is there any way to force trigger it?

rgerhards commented 2 months ago

I made the same mistake. Go back to the developer portal, there are some "temporary credentials" given. Copy and past them into your local dialog box. After that, things begin to work.

paulmorabito commented 2 months ago

I made the same mistake. Go back to the developer portal, there are some "temporary credentials" given. Copy and past them into your local dialog box. After that, things begin to work.


And for anyone else, you need to go to the API docs to find the credentials as you can't generate them yet.

rgerhards commented 2 months ago

For anybody else: here is a screenshot of the relevant part of the gettting started page.

For strange reasons, we are not permitted to share these semi-public credentials. image

dkrushev commented 2 months ago

Is there an easy way to rename the new entities name/id so that they replace the old ones in the existing automatons, overviews cards and energy dashboard?

vogtmh commented 2 months ago

Is there an easy way to rename the new entities name/id so that they replace the old ones in the existing automatons, overviews cards and energy dashboard?

I just deleted the old entities and renamed the new ones to the same name. Worked for all my dashboards and automations immediately. Historical data looks fine, too. Just the energy entities have to be readded manually as cooling and heating does now have a separate entity for each device.

vogtmh commented 2 months ago

See for the installation @paulmorabito, HACS is the easiest

Thanks a lot for the hard work! Worked immediately. It's just a shame that Daikin launched the new authentication without providing any way to create your own credentials. The validity of their credentials until "spring 2024" is actually a very short timeframe. I hope the user created ones will last longer.

tane64 commented 1 month ago

It's frustrating that Daikin is doing this. For me no longer Daikin. I have also some units from GREE. Working perfect via local API

There is ESP solution Faikin. Going to replace the Daikin WiFi module.

james-fry commented 3 weeks ago

It's frustrating that Daikin is doing this. For me no longer Daikin. I have also some units from GREE. Working perfect via local API

There is ESP solution Faikin. Going to replace the Daikin WiFi module.

Thanks for linking this repo (which onward links to their product on amazon)- might need to resort to it. Strangely my two daikins are still working with this repo and I didnt need the onecta cloud approach yet.