rospogrigio / localtuya

local handling for Tuya devices
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Device database for simpler configuration #181

Open postlund opened 3 years ago

postlund commented 3 years ago

The problem: There are a lot of devices and device types out there. With them comes a lot of different configurations ("datapoints"), making it difficult to configure a new device. Especially as a new user.

The solution: To simplify set up of new devices, I want to create a database of devices with templates that can be used when setting up a device. Since a device can be set up in different ways, e.g. energy consumption as separate sensors or not, we might have to support multiple templates per device type.

The how: I want to make this as simple as possible, using what we have:

There are a lot of considerations to take note of, but these are some of my initial thoughts of the overall design and how it would work. It's designed around being simple to implement in regards to infrastructure, as we don't need anything else than GitHub. The database will also be fully open and transparent, in case someone else would like to use it. Something I haven't talked about yet is database design and that would be next after finalizing the architecture as it is a minor thing.

ultratoto14 commented 3 years ago

From what we already know, the configuration may be shared by many devices, so we may have two different ways of pushing a new device:

I have this kind of representation in mind for lights, what do you think:

    "ec6c5b6e-612d-4438-a31a-9cd452b6b614": {
        "productKeys": [
        "type": "light",
        "dps": {
            "id": 20,
            "color_mode": 21,
            "brightness": 22,
            "color_temp": 23,
            "color": 24,
            "scene": 25
        "additional_data": {
            "brightness_upper": 1000,
            "color_temp_min_kelvin": 2200,
            "color_temp_max_kelvin": 4000,
            "scenes": {
                "Night": "000e0d0000000000000000c80000",
                "Read": "010e0d0000000000000003e801f4",
                "Meeting": "020e0d0000000000000003e803e8",
                "Leasure": "030e0d0000000000000001f401f4",
                "Soft": "04464602007803e803e800000000464602007803e8000a00000000",
                "Rainbow": "05464601000003e803e800000000464601007803e803e80000000046460100f003e803e800000000",
                "Shine": "06464601000003e803e800000000464601007803e803e80000000046460100f003e803e800000000",
                "Beautiful": "07464602000003e803e800000000464602007803e803e80000000046460200f003e803e800000000464602003d03e803e80000000046460200ae03e803e800000000464602011303e803e800000000"
    "fc32a48e-34d3-4e91-9100-00f6c3c0142d": {
        "productKeys": [
        "type": "light",
        "dps": {
            "id": 1,
            "color_mode": 2,
            "brightness": 3,
            "color_temp": 4,
            "color": 5,
            "scene": 6
        "additional_data": {
            "brightness_upper": 255,
            "color_temp_min_kelvin": 2700,
            "color_temp_max_kelvin": 6500,
            "scenes": {
                "Night": "bd76000168ffff",
                "Read": "fffcf70168ffff",
                "Meeting": "cf38000168ffff",
                "Leasure": "3855b40168ffff",
                "Scenario 1": "scene_1",
                "Scenario 2": "scene_2",
                "Scenario 3": "scene_3",
                "Scenario 4": "scene_4"
postlund commented 3 years ago

We need to handle the fact that we can have several entities per device and I would also prefer to be able to add meatadata to each device, like manufacturer and model. Perhaps we can have three sections:

An example using yaml (as that takes a little less space):

    manufacturer: Deltaco
    model: SH-P01
    dps: id1
    entities: ["ent1"]

      value: 1
      description: Power state
      value: 18
      description: Current (mA)

    platform: switch
    dps: ["id", "current"]

We can decide what id generation scheme to use later. Potentially we could adapt this scheme to handle multiple templates as well:

     manufacturer: Deltaco
     model: SH-P01
       - name: Super duper template
         dps: id1
         entities: ["ent1"]


ultratoto14 commented 3 years ago

Yes template is the key I think to help the user find the right options if his device is not supported. So in this, where do you add entity attributes that are not DPs ?

What kind of db would you want to use ?

postlund commented 3 years ago

Yeah, with good descriptive names it can be good.

I would place other constants under the entity like this:

    platform: light
    dps: ["id"]
    brightness_lower: 25
    brightness_upper: 1000

As a simple start we could just store it as YAML (like above) and perhaps move it to a real database later (and add an API for it). We need other hosting capabilities for that though.

ultratoto14 commented 3 years ago

Many devices will share the same configuration. I added the scenes data in my example because even now, this is the most significant part that could be different.

I'm ok that the yaml dB can be even in the repository at the beginning.

One last part, about the light of the diffuser we saw in one of the issues, do not see how to represent this kind of configuration that is very specific. Perhaps, different classes...

postlund commented 3 years ago

Yes, scenes are a good example of one configuration setting that can be different whilst the rest being same for many devices. It's possible to deal with this case too, of course, providing a look up table for scenes. The tricky part is that it becomes a special case and will likely be awkward to implement parsing for in a decent way (I mean parse user config and import to the database, we don't want to deal with special cases if we can avoid).

I'm not sure the diffuser is really different from any configuration where we create more than one entity (excluding trivial cases like dual socket plugs)? If there's no component in Home Assistant that matches the device, the best thing we can do is to split up the functionality into several entities and let the user decide how to deal with that, e.g. design UI in Lovelace. Not a big deal IMHO.

ultratoto14 commented 3 years ago

For the diffuser, it's the way is the logic used for the light component. Changing the color_mode in ['white', 'colour', 'scene'] is not enough, a second DP should be changed with a value in ['1', '2', '3' ]. So the user in the flow, should have the ability to choose that 'logic' but most users should stay with the simple configuration. Do not know if we will have again different logics in the future.

About the DB, should we list all the available DPs in the device, even the one not useful. If we don't find the product key, maybe we can find a similar device by comparing the dp list, even without the values ?

For the scenes, we may check if the current value in the bulb is in some scene data set and propose these ones

postlund commented 3 years ago

But that's more at matter of how to configure and not to the database itself. The database is actually the solution to that problem since once we have a configuration in the database, it will be trivial to set up. It's the first time such a device is configured that is a bit cumbersome. If the user can't figure it out, hopefully it results in an issue here so we can help out and put it into the database afterwards.

I was thinking about storing all datapoints as a reference. Maybe we can make use of other datapoints in the future. One thing came to mine though, because of #183. In that issue, the reporter can manually set up the device via YAML. It's the DP detection that is broken. So here we can actually provide a solution via the database, but we won't have a complete dump of all datapoints. Should we mark that somehow?

One thing I was thinking... maybe we can create a pool of shared objects from the entities that we can re-use. Probably limit to lists and dicts. I was thinking something like:

    platform: light
    dps: ["id"]
    brightness_upper: 1000
    _scene: data1
    platform: light
    dps: ["id"]
    brightness_upper: 255
    _scene: data1

    Night: 00ff00ff
    Day: ff00ff

Fake data obviously. I added _ in front of scene to indicate that it's value is in the pool (to not get in trouble with strings).

postlund commented 3 years ago

Maybe we should add a "type" field to the product, so we can classify the devices on a higher level (e.g. light, power plug, fan, etc). One idea I had was to allow manually picking a device from the database, in case current product key isn't there. Then we can suggest a similar device to try out (if we get an issue about it). By having both manufacturer and type we can provide better filtering to find devices.

ultratoto14 commented 3 years ago

I like the idea of type that may mix different templates to build a product

postlund commented 3 years ago

That's not really how I was imagining it. A product is by itself a complete device. If you pick a template, that template should set up everything supported by that device. The templates themselves are just variations of how to do that.

My use case is more in the lines of buying an RGB light from vendor X which isn't in our database. The user could then filter out all other RGB lights from the same vendor, maybe finding a similar one that works. Perhaps it was just a new revision of an older light?

ultratoto14 commented 3 years ago

With the tuya SDK i don't think you can do so different things, 95% of the manufacturer that will build a socket with power monitoring will use the same dp configuration. For the lights (except the tuya diffuser 😄 ) it's the same, I have a led strip from one manufacturer that shares the same IDs and scene_data as a GU10 from another one. I have GU10 from the same manufacturer of the led strip that use a completely different set of DP ids and scene_data. I would say that, except a perfect match of product key, the dp id list is more efficient to identify a possible device compatibility.

But as soon as we have a "DB", we can use different way to request data in it, by manufacturer+type/by type+id list match and others.

postlund commented 3 years ago

Yeah, tuya has templates for all their products which also include default function sets (datapoints). A manufacturer can decide to use true default one or customize it, e.g. remove insured one or define custom ones. Usually DPS over 100 are custom by the manufacturer. But as you say, in the majority of cases we will share a lot of config between products by different manufacturers. Hopefully the design I've suggested will cover most cases in a good enough way. Otherwise we can change and migrate the data afterwards.

junalmeida commented 2 years ago

That database would be awesome. For supported devices, then discovery would be enough to add devices to HA.

sibero80 commented 1 year ago

@postlund I Just went over the setup of a new diffuser, and it was a pain since there was no info on the Standard Instruction Set of the Device Debugging section, as it may be the case for a lot of cheap Chinese devices. but going through the process, I build a "heuristic" of some sort that might help this issue.

Here is an emulated user/localtuya flow.

  1. User starts flow of adding new device in HASS.
  2. User selects device from list.
  3. Localtuya matches the devicename to the prebuilt database. If the Device exists on Known Device Database, then the template is used.
  4. If the device does not exist on the Known Device Database, then the advertised name of the device is matched against the existing device taxonomy (light, dimmer, fan, difusser, plug, plug+powermeter, etc) Some of this work is already done by HASS, as each device class has a set of prebuilt entities that need to be populated.
  5. If there is no match for the device, then the user is prompted to select the device type.
  6. The user then is prompted with a set of entities associated to the device class and allowed to manually add more entities (Example, default template for a diffuser might not include a light entity, at this stage, user can add that entity manually).
  7. User is prompted to provide the details for each entity as found on the Standard Instruction Set located at the Device Debugging section. Here user can add or modify entities. (Ideally user should be able to interact with each entity as it is added for faster troubleshooting).
  8. If no device details are available on the Standard Instruction Set located at the Device Debugging section, then user would need to go through the TRAINING feature.
  9. TRAINING feature. Here, the integration enters into a monitoring mode for all DP statuses (What I did to achieve this is to add the device and linked all DPs to the sensor entity to watch their state). Then, the user is prompted by LOCALTUYA to change as much settings of the device in the TUYA APP (this might be in a device-specific order, or randomly as if the user was training a new fingerprint on a mobile phone to maximize coverage). LOCALTUYA stores the different observed values of each DP during the user interactions.
  10. After this "listening stage" LOCALTUYA has enough data for each entity to suggest pairing a DP with an entity type. User can pair a DP with an entity and try it out. The user is also allowed to manually modify the mapped values to add missing values not captured during the "listening stage".
  11. User can save the configured device and share it to become part of the Known Device Database.

Apologies if this comment should go to a different issue, hopes this helps somehow. Wish I had some coding skills to help build something like this.