rosshamish / classtime

university schedule generation and course data API
MIT License
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Support a second school to test the backend plugin architecture #47

Closed rosshamish closed 9 years ago

rosshamish commented 9 years ago

If the developer allows use with attribution of his scraper, we could modify the scraper to run on our stack, and schedule it for once a day. This could be used for UVic and modified/extended for other schools.

Next preference is a school with LDAP access, because then the LDAPRemoteDatabase subclass can be reused.

Next preference is probably Waterloo, because they have a rest api.

Next preference is somewhere which requires scraping. These schools have no public data access for developers.

ahoskins commented 9 years ago

Cool. I like this idea. And so the Macewan guy never got back to you?

rosshamish commented 9 years ago

Nope, not yet. I am not expecting a response really. The first email back from them was "we don't have public LDAP access. ...but tell me about your thing". So I think it's unlikely that they would allow us access (makes work for them), or make it public (even more work for them).