rosshinkley / nightmare-inline-download

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Download stuck at 'updated' indefinitely #13

Open jakexconniff opened 7 years ago

jakexconniff commented 7 years ago

I've been using nightmare-inline-download for a few months now and at seemingly random times, nightmare-inline-download will stop working for hours at a time, but then usually will eventually start working again.

When it does not work, nightmare logs show something along the lines of:

nightmare:download download { filename: 'filename.csv', mimetype: 'text/csv', receivedBytes: 0, totalBytes: 6298, url: 'privateurl', path: 'filepath.csv', state: 'updated' }

It will generally emit 15-30+ state's of 'updated', then just hang at that and never receive a state of 'complete', like it does when all is working correctly. I tried digging into the code myself to solve but no luck so far.

Sadly I cannot reproduce, as the only time I run into this issue is with private sites. They are all .aspx sites if that helps at all.

Since I can't reproduce, if you are unable to find a solution, I was hoping maybe you could guide me in the right direction to do something along the lines of:

Once the download has been stuck for a while, check for a certain condition (receivedBytes has been 0 for the past 5 updates or whatever condition would seem adequate), then force the download to complete.

Also tried to switch to nightmare-download-manager, and get this after the force-cancel time is reached:

nightmare:download-manager download file.csv is force-cancelled: 0.00% +101ms nightmare:log no parent request received for download, discarding +1ms nightmare:download-manager download file.csv is cancelled: 0.00% +1ms nightmare:download-manager download file.csv is cancelled: 0.00% +2ms

TheTechChild commented 5 years ago

I wish that someone would comment on this, because I am having the same issue. Nightmare is cancelling the download at seemingly random times.... Have you had any luck resolving this?