Open Hanzofm opened 6 years ago
I faced the same issue, but I found a workaround for this. It happens because ion-refresher set the top style property and alpha-scroll also do this. So when you use the refresher for first time it duplicates the top property of alpha scroll.
In your template set an ID for the alpha-scroll
<ion-content no-bounce>
<ion-refresher (ionRefresh)="doRefresh($event)">
pullingText="{{'pullto' | translate}}">
<ion-alpha-scroll #alphaScroll
In your page.ts use ViewChild to get alpha scroll element and than change doRefresh function. Set top: 0px to the .ion-alpha-sidebar. Something like this:
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
export class YourPage{
@ViewChild("alphaScroll", { read: ElementRef }) alphaScroll: ElementRef;
doRefresh(refresher) {
for (let element of this.alphaScroll.nativeElement.childNodes) {
if (element.className == 'ion-alpha-sidebar') { = '0px';
It solved the problem for me. It's not a good solution but for now it works.
Hope it Helps.
My problem is related when uses a ion-refresher with this plugin, when I pull to refresh the alphabet index pulls down and not return to their position.
Is there any solution for this?
This is my template:
ionic info (Alpha Scroll Plugin version 2.0.1)