rosstimson / docker-gogs

Dockerfile for Gogs: A self-hosted Git service written in Go.
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Install on Synology Diskstation #1

Open paul-straetmans opened 9 years ago

paul-straetmans commented 9 years ago


i installed your package with Docker (DSM 5.2). The container is running, but how do I enter/start Gogs? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

rosstimson commented 9 years ago

Hi Paul

You need to link the Gogs container to a database container and you also need to bind the ports the container exposes to the host machine. This is what the docker-compose.yml file sets up for you automatically. Gogs is running on port 3000 inside the container but we bind it to port 80 on the host machine, therefore you should just be able to visit localhost/install and you should be presented with the Gogs install screen.

The bit I cannot help you with is getting this all working on a Synology Diskstation which I assume is some sort of NAS device. I'd highly recommend experimenting with it on your local machine before trying to deploy elsewhere as there are probably some other things you should consider for deploying properly. For instance I have this setup at work but I have also added in a Nginx reverse proxy and have also mounted a volume so that all git repos that Gogs handles are present on the host machine (actually a separate AWS EBS volume which can be snapshotted.).

paul-straetmans commented 9 years ago

Hi Ross,

Thanks for taking the time to write down this detailed explanation! Yes, it's a NAS. This is all new to me, but I will give it a shot this weekend :)