rossvideo / Catena

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Update full_service.cpp implementation #116

Closed Mionsz closed 4 months ago

Mionsz commented 4 months ago

Update full_service.cpp implementation to make it more friendly to the end user.

This is a proposal/draft written without tests - feel free to make changes and help to develop BKM for code sharing.

It would be the best option to share some common entry points to this SDK API so that it can be included without fear of breaking changes.

Great work by the way!

Mionsz commented 4 months ago

I will try and test it first on my side before merging :-)

mejohnnaylor commented 4 months ago

what help did you want Mionsz?

mejohnnaylor commented 4 months ago

I just built develop_common_api_for_cpp_sdk on my Mac and it works ok