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param referencing template_oid fields #171

Closed Isaac-Robert-Ross closed 1 month ago

Isaac-Robert-Ross commented 1 month ago

added getValue that works for basic types and arrays. subParam is temporarily broken and will get fixed with setValue. subParaming into template_oid, recursive templating and Struct support to be added.

Isaac-Robert-Ross commented 1 month ago

subParam has been fixed, now with template_oid checking. template_oids can now follow the whole oid path and recursively follow templates with their own template_oids inside.

Isaac-Robert-Ross commented 1 month ago

Two problems to note right now:

Isaac-Robert-Ross commented 1 month ago

template_oid integration is now re-written to use deep copies into the param, keeping the deviceModel up to date, also supports structs now, being able to iterate through and template nested params