rossy / youtube-video-download

Download videos from YouTube. Simple, lightweight and supports all formats, including WebM.
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Not working anymore #21

Open pejakm opened 9 years ago

pejakm commented 9 years ago

Haven't used the script for a while, and when I tried, it doesn't work. Tried with Opera 12 and latest QupZilla (with greasemonkey plugin).

tracker1 commented 9 years ago

I had the same issue... didn't dig too far into it, it seems the detection part(s) work, but it's the UI rendering... probably because Youtube's UI changed in a breaking way...

Had been meaning to dig into this, but never had time.. my hack was to have a local copy, then console.write the urls for the video... ymmv though.

svtux commented 9 years ago

See the #18 issue, seems that your issue is the duplicate of it. I posted there my solution this issue. I hope it is help you.

denniskrol commented 9 years ago

Looks like a different issue. This video as example: If I try to download it, Chrome (greasemonkey) tries to download a videoplayback.txt which fails. If I console.log(ytplayer.config.args); It gets the vars, but the url gives a 403. Seems youtube changed something again.

svtux commented 9 years ago

Can't reproduce. Provide more details please.

Downloads succesful in Google Chrome v. 39.0.2171.99 (64-bit) for Ubuntu Linux.

Note: without Greasemonkey, as extension for Chrome.

denniskrol commented 9 years ago

Chrome 39.0.2171.99 m (32 bit) on Windows 7 x64 Same video: In function getFlashArgs() I added console.log(ytplayer.config.args); If we take, for example, the 720p video (itag 22), I get this url:[IP]&dur=213.739&fexp=3300112%2C3300112%2C3300134%2C3300134%2C3300137%2C3300137%2C3300161%2C3300161%2C3310366%2C3310366%2C3310702%2C3310702%2C900718%2C907263%2C927622%2C931346%2C936115%2C937412%2C941004%2C943917%2C947209%2C947225%2C948124%2C948703%2C949417%2C952302%2C952605%2C952901%2C955301%2C957103%2C957105%2C957201%2C957506%2C959701&mime=video%2Fmp4&upn=qfTfkN4z8II&sparams=dur%2Cid%2Cinitcwndbps%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Cmime%2Cmm%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cpl%2Cratebypass%2Crequiressl%2Csource%2Cupn%2Cexpire&initcwndbps=1743750&source=youtube&pl=24&ratebypass=yes&mt=1421484388&mv=m&ms=au&sver=3&expire=1421506037&requiressl=yes&mm=31&ipbits=0 If I open that URL in a new tab I see a 403 in the console. Other video's where the downloader works I can open the URL in a new tab, and Chrome plays the video with the build in player. I've had this for other videos aswell. I don't really remember when this started.

shape55 commented 9 years ago

hasn't worked on Firefox for a while.