rossyndicate / nps_water_vulnerability

Workflow for the NPS climate change vulnerability assessment – security of park water supplies.
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Folder reorg, testing of all functions, WBM comparison workflow start #50

Closed kathryn-willi closed 5 months ago

kathryn-willi commented 5 months ago

Lots of changes, but most are actually quite minimal. The largest change is the folder structure of where data gets saved. Park-specific data now lives in "data/park/". I went through all the functions in the "src" folder to change file paths accordingly, as well as changing some minor lines of code for efficiency. I tested each function in the "src" folder, and save that workflow in an R script in the scratch folder (called "testing", or something like that!).

I've also added two new .Rmd templates: one for pulling in climate data, one for getting water balance data.

Lastly, I added a new "supp" folder containing the beginning of our workflow comparing the BCM with the NPS WBM.