rossyndicate / poudre_sonde_network

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Massive organization changes #62

Closed kathryn-willi closed 11 months ago

kathryn-willi commented 11 months ago

I have started to move things around - the old order of things was starting to feel constraining. So! This PR:

  1. Split the old "01-organize_raw_data.Rmd" into two separate Rmds - "01_download_and_flag.Rmd" and "02_explore_and_fix.Rmd". Basically all steps after flagging were moved to "02_explore_and_fix.Rmd"
  2. Moved the functions associated with "01_download_and_flag.Rmd" into a folder called "download_and_flag_fxns", and Moved the functions associated with "02_explore_and_fix.Rmd" into a folder called "explore_and_fix_fxns"
  3. Made explicit function for the repetition flag and na flag, and added the sd flag into the "add_seasonal_flag.R" function.
  4. the "percent_flagged.R" isn't a function yet, so I commented it out (for now). This one may need to be re-worked as just code that goes at the end of the 01_download_and_flag.Rmd doc.
  5. Added your roxygen documentation to all functions.
  6. Added a kw_known_probs function that is still a work in progress, but it is where I am going thru field notes and HydroVu to find known periods of time that certain sensor data is bad.

I'm not married to the way this is organized, but see this as a starting point for our final reorg. Please let me know if this creates any major issues on your end when you try to pull the changes!

Closes #61 and closes #60