rostools / r-cubed-advanced

Reproducible Research in R: An advanced workshop on creating collaborative and automated analysis pipelines
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Course planning and details - 2024-12-10 #199

Open lwjohnst86 opened 3 weeks ago

lwjohnst86 commented 3 weeks ago


Instructors/helpers: @signekb, @Isabellvse, @AndersAskeland, @lwjohnst86

Before the course, please review the CONTRIBUTING guide, Code of Conduct, and the Tips for instructors or helpers in the Guides website.

Days Session topic Instructor
Day 1 Introduction to the course @lwjohnst86
Day 1 Smoother project-based collaboration @lwjohnst86
Day 2 Creating automatic analysis pipelines @signekb
Day 2 A general approach to doing statistical analyses @Isabellvse
Day 3 Efficiently running many analyses at once @AndersAskeland

To do before course

Several of the below tasks (for the admin/lead instructor) can be done using the r3admin package.

To do during course

To do after course

Other details