rostools / r-cubed-advanced

Reproducible Research in R: An advanced workshop on creating collaborative and automated analysis pipelines
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Connecting to github, missing title #213

Open Isabellvse opened 9 hours ago

Isabellvse commented 9 hours ago

I am going through the course material, following it step by step and in section 5.7 Exercise: Connect your project to GitHub, where you go to section 9.2 Linking your project to GitHub, and I run the code usethis::use_github(), I get this error: Fejl i val %||% default : Field 'Title' not found.

But if I add "Title: AdvancedR3" to the DESCRIPTION file, it runs no problem and creates a repository on my github.

lwjohnst86 commented 9 hours ago

Ugh, right. I fix this in prodigenr, but having submitted the update to CRAN yet. I'll put that information into the instructions... Thanks!! :star_struck: