rotemtzaban / STIT

MIT License
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not an issue - question on beta value #21

Closed johndpope closed 2 years ago

johndpope commented 2 years ago

I've been playing around with styleclip -

python --input_folder data/obama \
 --output_folder edits/obama/ \
 --run_name obama \
 --edit_type styleclip_global \
 --edit_name aids \
 --neutral_class "Face" \
 --target_class "Face with sores" \
 --beta 0.1 \ 
 --edit_range 10 10 1 \
 --outer_mask_dilation 50 \
 --start_frame 0 \
 --end_frame 100

changing the target class - ValueError: Beta value 0.15 is too high for mapping from Face to Face with sores, try setting it to a lower value

I have to bump it down to 0.1 for the program to run. But then the results seem indifferent to original video. Is there something obvious between the two? 'Face with sores' vs 'Face with lipstick'

also styleclip has global mappers which take > 10 hrs to build - but then they're fast for inference.

"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",
"mapper/pretrained/": "",

"": ""

Did you experiment using these ? It may shorten the time to render..... or is the time mostly on pti?

rmokady commented 2 years ago

Hi @johndpope, Our project demonstrate how to smoothly editing videos However, we use off-the-shelf editing techniques, such as StyleClip So the first question about "Face with sores" relate to StyleClip limitations

Regarding the StyleCLIP mappers, most of the time consuming on the PTI and Stitching, so it won'y change dramatically the running time. We have not experiment with these much, but I guess it will perform slightly worse, as global editing directions are expected to behave smoother.

johndpope commented 2 years ago
