rotemtzaban / STIT

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Generation of Editings files/ directions #24

Open Cazforshort opened 2 years ago

Cazforshort commented 2 years ago


I was wondering how we can generate additional editing's w_directions files. Is that done though CLIP some how and if so could you point me in the right direction please?

rotemtzaban commented 2 years ago

@Cazforshort Hi, CLIP is probably the simplest way to create additional editing directions, as it requires no data of labeled examples for the attribute you would like to change. These videos for example were created with editing directions derived from StyleCLIP:

This is the command for the lipstick editing that appears it our README, which was also generated with styleclip:

python --input_folder /data/emma_watson \
 --output_folder edits/emma_watson/ \
 --run_name emma_watson \
 --edit_type styleclip_global \
 --edit_name lipstick \
 --neutral_class "Face" \
 --target_class "Face with lipstick" \
 --beta 0.2 \
 --edit_range 10 10 1 \
 --outer_mask_dilation 50

You would need to modify the target_class to fit the edit you would like to perform, and play with the beta and edit_range variables to achieve a good edit, and perhaps play with various prompts.