roth-michael / FoundryVTT-RestRecovery

This repository adds support for D&D 5E's Arcane/Natural Recovery within the short rest dialog, and additional short rest mechanics
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NPC Rest Recovery with Tidy Sheet #237

Closed DarkkingDraco closed 1 month ago

DarkkingDraco commented 1 month ago

Using Tidy Sheet, NPCs are allowed to take short or long rest.

When Rest Recovery isn't installed, this function works. However, with Rest Recovery on, the pop up will go through the process but when it finishes nothing is updated or refreshed.

Here is the error that appears in the console: RestRecovery_NPC_Error

roth-michael commented 1 month ago

Hi, gonna look into this. Can you tell me - do your NPCs have hit dice to spend on a short rest or regain on a long rest? I just want to make sure I keep all the existing functionality of NPC rests (however much that is).

roth-michael commented 1 month ago

FYI in case you don't see the changelog, latest release should fix this. If you're on dnd 3.2, NPCs will get the full Rest Recovery treatment. If you're still on 3.1.x, they'll use the core rest, but at least won't throw any errors.

DarkkingDraco commented 1 month ago

Awesome! Thank you very much! To answer your question, I have been giving party companions sidekick classes which will give them hit dice. Other NPCs I just use this to refresh them after a fight they escape or otherwise.

roth-michael commented 1 month ago

Ah gotcha, that's new with Tasha's, right? Haven't gotten the chance to grab that and test it yet, so let me know if everything's working as expected!