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Brief period of non combat after backstab? #13

Open awikGgb opened 3 years ago

awikGgb commented 3 years ago

I have only noticed this behaviour on droids before (that could reapply force field in the beginning of first round, after a bs). In this case, BS hit, she did not peace(at least peace was not displayed), and just walked out of room. Happened for me yesterday and now today too.

1994(2001)hitp 774(897)forcep 272(273)move> You slam Augwynne into the ground, stunning her.

Opponent: / Tank: 1994(2001)hitp 774(897)forcep 272(273)move> b aug Augwynne makes a strange sound as you place Thamael's Blade Of Assassination in her back! (1684)

Opponent: Augwynne (scratched) / Tank: 1994(2001)hitp 774(897)forcep 272(273)move> tr bb

Augwynne bleeds badly from a jagged wound. (253) Your wounds continue to mend. Augwynne leaves down.

awikGgb commented 3 years ago

Happened again now on Hammer in Cube. Hit a backstab and he just walked away