roto93 / react-native-neat-date-picker

An easy to use date picker for react native.
MIT License
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typescript support #18

Closed diecodev closed 1 year ago

diecodev commented 1 year ago

What I do:

I went to the trouble of add typescript support:

Ps. I have an idea to make it so that anyone who wants to make contributions to the project can do so without creating a react-native/expo project and then installing the npm package from this repo, but I have to do the necessary research first to see if it will work.

To do:

Ps-II. I did the testing on my cell phone using expo and there were no bugs, however, I invite anyone to test this branch (if you are interested in Typescript support) in order to find future bugs.


  1. git pull origin main (in case you merge the branch, otherwise clone my branch).
  2. npm install --save.
  3. npx tsc (in case you have typescript installed as a global deps, use just tsc).
  4. then, you can tun the npm update command in terminal/bash.

Sorry for add contributors tag in package json (in case you are disagree). 💙

roto93 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you very much for this typescript support😄. I'm trying to understand what you have done these days but it seems that I don't have adequate knowledge about typescript.

So I think what I'm going to do is just make sure this package can run in RN/Expo projects. Then I'll accept this PR.

Just one thing. Do you think it is a good idea to merge this PR to main and update the original package, or it's better to publish a NEW package something like react-native-neat-date-picker-ts?

diecodev commented 1 year ago

Hi, roto. Sorry for the late response.

I agree with whatever you decide. But to be honest I think is better (if you are agree, of course) if you made me a moderator or collab to help you with some issues and anything else. I notice about your actual situation (militar situation) and I think that I can help you with issues and making you some PR's just for make the component such better.

roto93 commented 1 year ago

That would be great! It's very happy to know that you are willing to collaborate this component. I will send you a collaborater invitation. Thank you.

diecodev commented 1 year ago

It's very nice to know you are agree with my request. In 2 weeks I am going to make one other PR with the custom hook I mentined and I going to work in the readme file to update docs (in the typescript branch).

Btw, what do you decide? A create new package or just update this one?

roto93 commented 1 year ago

I decide to update this one. That way both JS and TS users can use it, and only one package needs to be maintained.

diecodev commented 1 year ago

Oh, that's great. I've been bussy for a little bit, but now I got time to work in some updates. I'm going to wait for the merge to work on it. Blessings.

roto93 commented 1 year ago

I've done the test of this PR. time to merge it. I should have done this earlier😅 I think I will publish a new version for now and you can working on further works you've mentioned. Thanks a lot!