roualdes / bridgestan

BridgeStan provides efficient in-memory access through Python, Julia, and R to the methods of a Stan model.
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Add implementation details docs page, note on propto=True for log_density #192

Closed WardBrian closed 7 months ago

WardBrian commented 7 months ago

This is a bit of a weird thing I've been thinking about recently that it is good to alert users for. It's related to #165 and #180.

Basically propto=True requires we pass vars to Stan. Before #165, we were even calling grad, wasting a lot of computation. Since #165, we no longer call grad, but it still may lead to more work than you'd expect, since the Stan math library assumes (justifiably) that if you're calling a function with vars you will want gradients, and so it can do some pre-computation for you. Because we never call/use grad() in log_density, this is wasted effort.

The big offenders are the higher order functions like reduce_sum, which basically calculate their entire gradients in the "forward pass".

I wrote up a docs page on implementation details and added a section about this. I'm not sure if it should be linked other places or not.

WardBrian commented 7 months ago

Here is a demo of what I'm describing, using this model

import bridgestan
import timeit

model = bridgestan.StanModel('sir.stan', '')

with open('sir.init.json') as f:
    params = model.param_unconstrain_json(

def one():
    model.log_density(params, propto=True)

def two():
    model.log_density(params, propto=False)

timeit.timeit(one, number=1000) # warms-up caches etc

time_one = timeit.timeit(one, number=1000)
time_two = timeit.timeit(two, number=1000)

print(f"propto=T: {time_one*1000:.1f}ms")
print(f"propto=F: {time_two*1000:.1f}ms")

This prints

propto=T: 329.7ms
propto=F: 81.4ms

So, over 4 times slower for this model!

WardBrian commented 7 months ago

I think this is essentially absent from the Stan documentation, since calculating gradients is essentially taken for granted everywhere in Stan

bob-carpenter commented 7 months ago

I think this is essentially absent from the Stan documentation, since calculating gradients is essentially taken for granted everywhere in Stan

It's discussed in the efficiency section of the User's Guide and at length in the Reference Manual, which covers which things get autodiffed and which ones are just double-based.

WardBrian commented 7 months ago

Is there any place that would obviously lead the reader to the conclusion this discusses? e.g., that for the log_density function, propto can have dramatically different performance implications than it does for log_density_gradient?

bob-carpenter commented 7 months ago

Good point---we talk about everything you would need to draw this conclusion yourself, but I don't think we ever connect the dots. We probably should. I added an issue for the User's Guide efficiency chapter: