roubachof / Xamarin-Forms-Practices

Collection of good practices for Xamarin forms developement
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Can't clone and build Xamarin-Forms-Practices #14

Open MathieuJack opened 2 years ago

MathieuJack commented 2 years ago

I would like to run your Sharpnado sample app.

I execute this, as explained in this page :

1) git clone 2) git submodule update --init

line 1 downloads successfully Xamarin-Forms-Practices in my local folder

but line 2 leads to this error: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

I tried to move to child directory (cd Xamarin-Forms-Practices) then run again line 2. And now error is: fatal: No url found for submodule path 'Sharpnado.HorizontalListView' in .gitmodules

Is there something wrong? thank you!

roubachof commented 2 years ago

there was an error in the git submodule file :)

MathieuJack commented 2 years ago

Works way better but still CollectionView folders/projects are not cloned, so solution cannot build.

Here is console log : c:\KODE\sharpnado\Xamarin-Forms-Practices>git submodule update --init Submodule 'Sharpnado.CollectionView' ( registered for path 'Sharpnado.HorizontalListView' Submodule 'Sharpnado.MaterialFrame' ( registered for path 'Sharpnado.MaterialFrame' Submodule 'Sharpnado.Tabs' ( registered for path 'Sharpnado.Tabs' Cloning into 'C:/KODE/sharpnado/Xamarin-Forms-Practices/Sharpnado.HorizontalListView'... Cloning into 'C:/KODE/sharpnado/Xamarin-Forms-Practices/Sharpnado.MaterialFrame'... Cloning into 'C:/KODE/sharpnado/Xamarin-Forms-Practices/Sharpnado.Tabs'... Submodule path 'Sharpnado.HorizontalListView': checked out 'f5869a681ded2b180f45d192e4665322e609c552' Submodule path 'Sharpnado.MaterialFrame': checked out '35c565a7e990ed909b982bdafb6da42a28124a3c' Submodule path 'Sharpnado.Tabs': checked out '4ae9519e3904a802d081f37d8b6bd06f5b9695b6'

and here is cloned folder content (see CollectionView folder missing) 01/04/2022 21:01 2 974 .gitignore 01/04/2022 21:01 391 .gitmodules 01/04/2022 21:01 1 693 Clean-BinObj.ps1 01/04/2022 21:01 2 045 01/04/2022 21:01 2 185 Settings.XamlStyler 01/04/2022 21:02

Sharpnado.HorizontalListView 01/04/2022 21:02 Sharpnado.MaterialFrame 01/04/2022 21:02 Sharpnado.Tabs 01/04/2022 21:03 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices 01/04/2022 21:05 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.Droid 01/04/2022 21:03 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.iOS 01/04/2022 21:01 123 756 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.sln 01/04/2022 21:01 17 913 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.sln.DotSettings 01/04/2022 21:03 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.UWP 01/04/2022 21:01 2 156 StyleCopRules.ruleset 01/04/2022 21:01 Docs

roubachof commented 2 years ago

CollectionView is in fact in HorizontalListView folder

MathieuJack commented 2 years ago

OK, that's true. But in the solution file, CollectionView is expected to be in its own folder. Here is an extract of .sln:

Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "Sharpnado.CollectionView", "Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView.csproj", "{72EEC247-1B47-42BD-A7C3-803C03A94A9A}" EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Sharpnado.CollectionView.Droid", "Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView.Droid\Sharpnado.CollectionView.Droid.csproj", "{F2D4F3E6-CB34-4D17-92CA-0A9BFDE9C811}" EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Sharpnado.CollectionView.iOS", "Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView.iOS\Sharpnado.CollectionView.iOS.csproj", "{613205D7-8798-4BBC-BE46-8B024F4592E6}" EndProject

sln cannot compile; when opened in VS2022, CollcetionView projects cannot be loaded. Everything else looks good I think

roubachof commented 2 years ago

godammit :) can you try once again now ?

MathieuJack commented 2 years ago

I still have a compilation issue. It's looking for a C:\KODE\sharpnado\Xamarin-Forms-Practices\Sharpnado.HorizontalListView folder but it does not exist.

6>------ Build started: Project: SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ 5>Build started 03/04/2022 19:12:21. 5>GenerateCustomAssemblyInfo: 5> Updating AssemblyInfo to Version 2.2.0 5> Created AssemblyInfo file "AssemblyInfo.cs". 6>Build started 03/04/2022 19:12:21. 6>Target ResolvePackageAssets: 6> C:\KODE\sharpnado\Xamarin-Forms-Practices\SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices\SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.csproj : error NU1104: Unable to find project 'C:\KODE\sharpnado\Xamarin-Forms-Practices\Sharpnado.HorizontalListView\Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView.csproj'. Check that the project reference is valid and that the project file exists.

Here are the created files & folders 03/04/2022 19:06 2 974 .gitignore 03/04/2022 19:06 387 .gitmodules 03/04/2022 19:06 1 693 Clean-BinObj.ps1 03/04/2022 19:06 2 045 03/04/2022 19:06 2 185 Settings.XamlStyler 03/04/2022 19:09

Sharpnado.CollectionView 03/04/2022 19:10 Sharpnado.MaterialFrame 03/04/2022 19:10 Sharpnado.Tabs 03/04/2022 19:11 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices 03/04/2022 19:11 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.Droid 03/04/2022 19:11 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.iOS 03/04/2022 19:06 123 756 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.sln 03/04/2022 19:06 17 913 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.sln.DotSettings 03/04/2022 19:11 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.UWP 03/04/2022 19:06 2 156 StyleCopRules.ruleset 03/04/2022 19:06 Docs

roubachof commented 2 years ago

should be fine now (finally :)