rouge-ruby / rouge

A pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments
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Typos in Ruby Tokens and missing Tokens #1882

Open pippim opened 1 year ago

pippim commented 1 year ago


Typos (in bold) from:

Token name Token shortname Description
Keyword.Type kt Keywords wich refer to a type id (such as int in C)
Name.Entity ni Token for entitites such as   in HTML
Literal.String.Interpol si For interpoled part in strings (e.g. in Ruby)
Literal.Number.Integer.Long il Long interger literals
Comment c Single ligne comments
Comment.Multiline cm Mutliline comments

Missing Tokens

Missing lines based on Monokai Sublime CSS. There might be more if you desk check the code:

Token name Token shortname Description
Escape esc Escape (New)
Name.Variable.Magic vm Token for magic variables (New)
Literal.String.Affix sa String Affix (New)
Literal.String.Delimiter dl String Delimiter (New)
Punctuation.Indicator pi Punctuation indicator (New)
Comment.Hashbang ch Hashbang comment (New)
Comment.Doc cd Doc comment (New)
Comment.PreprocFile cpf Preprocessor comments file (New)


If you do update the file kindly ping me so I can update my documentation.

Are there sample files for Python, HTML, SCSS, Bash and JavaScript I could download to test my custom colors I hope to create for Cayman Theme in Jekyll GitHub Pages for my website? I'm thinking a stub program that tests all the possible colors.
