rough-stuff / rough

Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance
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"Error: Param not a number: a,l" on SVG path #152

Open Oreilles opened 4 years ago

Oreilles commented 4 years ago

The path for which the error occurs is quite long. Here's a fiddle to replicate: Error occurs in both 3.1.0 and current 4.2.3. I haven't tested other versions.

pshihn commented 4 years ago

I don't know how you generated the path but it's kinda funky looking. The reason why it's failing is because the path has sections like this:

a931 931 0 00-1 138

as opposed to

a931 931 0 0 0 -1 138

Note that when roughjs parses it, it thinks the number is 00 which is just 0. And it thinks that there's a missing value. Browsers can be more forgiving.

I can change rough to interpret 00 to 0 0 but there are too many cases to consider. I suggest if you change path string so your zeros have a space after them.

Oreilles commented 4 years ago

Thanks, the path is initially from wikipedia, but minified with svgo's convertPathData plugin.

pshihn commented 4 years ago

yes it must be because of the minification. I'm not sure I'm inclined to fix this unless you cannot update your path

Oreilles commented 4 years ago

I definetly can change the path, it's not an issue at all - I just though you might be interested in this kind of (pretty specific) behaviour.

Maybe the path parser used by Firefox or Chrome could be found in their source code.

wclr commented 4 years ago

This happend to me too while svg-icons conversion after upgraded from svgo 1.2.2 to the latest 1.3.2, though in browser icons work ok, but rough can not parse some paths. It also happens with convertPathData plugin disabled, but in more rare cases.

I tried to "fix" paths and compare and changes but had no good luck with it. There is not only glued zeros (00) problem. It is really a mess .

Not even sure how to describe this issue in svgo repo. Besides. as I said there seems no issues with optimized icons in browser, only rough can't deal with them.

UPD. There is an example. Source svg:

But this example seem to contain only glued zeros issue, other more complex icons had more complex changes that are not so easy to deal with from the first glance.

And paths that are avaiabled in browser for this icon:

v 1.2.2 (this works with rough)

M50.2.075C22.645.075.22 22.497.22 50.05c0 27.55 22.424 49.974 49.979 49.974 27.55 0 49.978-22.42 49.978-49.974C100.178 22.495 77.754.075 50.2.075zm0 4.469c25.098 0 45.51 20.407 45.51 45.506 0 25.098-20.412 45.51-45.51 45.51-25.099 0-45.51-20.412-45.51-45.51C4.69 24.95 25.1 4.544 50.2 4.544z

M50.424 27.387a1.952 1.952 0 0 0-1.947 1.949v19.139H29.334c-1.073 0-1.95.876-1.95 1.949s.877 1.947 1.95 1.947h19.143v19.143c0 1.072.874 1.949 1.947 1.949s1.949-.876 1.949-1.951v-19.14h19.145a1.95 1.95 0 0 0 1.945-1.948c0-1.073-.874-1.95-1.947-1.95H52.373V29.337c0-1.073-.876-1.95-1.95-1.95z

v 1.3.2 (this error with rough)

M50.2.075C22.645.075.22 22.497.22 50.05c0 27.55 22.424 49.974 49.979 49.974 27.55 0 49.978-22.42 49.978-49.974C100.178 22.495 77.754.075 50.2.075zm0 4.469c25.098 0 45.51 20.407 45.51 45.506 0 25.098-20.412 45.51-45.51 45.51-25.099 0-45.51-20.412-45.51-45.51C4.69 24.95 25.1 4.544 50.2 4.544z

M50.424 27.387a1.952 1.952 0 00-1.947 1.949v19.139H29.334c-1.073 0-1.95.876-1.95 1.949s.877 1.947 1.95 1.947h19.143v19.143c0 1.072.874 1.949 1.947 1.949s1.949-.876 1.949-1.951v-19.14h19.145a1.95 1.95 0 001.945-1.948c0-1.073-.874-1.95-1.947-1.95H52.373V29.337c0-1.073-.876-1.95-1.95-1.95z

wclr commented 4 years ago

There is another more complex example of converted with svgo paths

1.2.2 (this works with rough)

M63.316 8.401l1.091-1.634 1.072-1.612 2.412-3.617A.968.968 0 1066.28.467l-2.584 3.878-1.087 1.63-1.104 1.652c-3.495-1.354-7.392-2.115-11.508-2.115-4.112 0-8.009.76-11.504 2.115l-1.098-1.652-1.087-1.63-2.588-3.88a.97.97 0 00-1.343-.27.968.968 0 00-.267 1.341l2.41 3.617 1.076 1.612L36.688 8.4c-8.21 3.823-13.763 11.066-13.763 19.356H77.08c0-8.288-5.553-15.53-13.763-19.354zM38.398 20.02a2.9 2.9 0 110-5.8 2.9 2.9 0 010 5.8zm23.206 0a2.9 2.9 0 010-5.8 2.9 2.9 0 110 5.8zM23.342 31.625h-.417v42.551a6.13 6.13 0 006.124 6.126h4.42a5.794 5.794 0 00-.23 1.61v12.253a5.803 5.803 0 0011.606 0V81.912c0-.556-.086-1.1-.23-1.61h10.774a5.794 5.794 0 00-.23 1.61v12.253c0 3.202 2.6 5.802 5.803 5.802 3.202 0 5.802-2.6 5.802-5.802V81.912c0-.556-.082-1.1-.23-1.61h4.42a6.132 6.132 0 006.125-6.125V31.625h-.417zM13.253 31.625A5.801 5.801 0 007.45 37.43v24.819a5.803 5.803 0 005.802 5.802c3.202 0 5.802-2.6 5.802-5.802v-24.82a5.8 5.8 0 00-5.802-5.803zM86.751 31.625a5.8 5.8 0 00-5.802 5.804v24.819a5.802 5.802 0 005.802 5.802c3.203 0 5.798-2.6 5.798-5.802v-24.82a5.799 5.799 0 00-5.798-5.803z

v 1.3.2 (this error with rough)

M63.316 8.401l1.091-1.634 1.072-1.612 2.412-3.617A.968.968 0 0 0 66.28.467l-2.584 3.878-1.087 1.63-1.104 1.652c-3.495-1.354-7.392-2.115-11.508-2.115-4.112 0-8.009.76-11.504 2.115l-1.098-1.652-1.087-1.63-2.588-3.88a.97.97 0 0 0-1.343-.27.968.968 0 0 0-.267 1.341l2.41 3.617 1.076 1.612L36.688 8.4c-8.21 3.823-13.763 11.066-13.763 19.356H77.08c0-8.288-5.553-15.53-13.763-19.354zM38.398 20.02a2.9 2.9 0 1 1 0-5.8 2.9 2.9 0 1 1 0 5.8zm23.206 0a2.9 2.9 0 0 1 0-5.8 2.9 2.9 0 0 1 0 5.8zM23.342 31.625h-.417v42.551a6.13 6.13 0 0 0 6.124 6.126h4.42a5.794 5.794 0 0 0-.23 1.61v12.253a5.803 5.803 0 0 0 11.606 0V81.912c0-.556-.086-1.1-.23-1.61h10.774a5.794 5.794 0 0 0-.23 1.61v12.253c0 3.202 2.6 5.802 5.803 5.802 3.202 0 5.802-2.6 5.802-5.802V81.912c0-.556-.082-1.1-.23-1.61h4.42a6.132 6.132 0 0 0 6.125-6.125V31.625h-.417zM13.253 31.625A5.801 5.801 0 0 0 7.45 37.43v24.819a5.803 5.803 0 0 0 5.802 5.802c3.202 0 5.802-2.6 5.802-5.802v-24.82a5.8 5.8 0 0 0-5.802-5.803zM86.751 31.625a5.8 5.8 0 0 0-5.802 5.804v24.819a5.802 5.802 0 0 0 5.802 5.802c3.203 0 5.798-2.6 5.798-5.802v-24.82a5.799 5.799 0 0 0-5.798-5.803z