rougier / freetype-gl

OpenGL text using one vertex buffer, one texture and FreeType
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Extended for demo/markup on windows #269

Open ousttrue opened 1 year ago

ousttrue commented 1 year ago

I Extended for demo/markup on windows. Remove return in match_description if windows. Because fontconfig worked on windows too.

This screenshot was made with a markup --screenshot ss.tga build on Windows11.


Droid fonts and DroidSansJapanese.ttf is required under %APPLOCAL%\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts folder.

Thank you.

ousttrue commented 1 year ago

I am using the command line below.

meson setup builddir --prefix fullpath_to_prefix
meson install -C builddir
rougier commented 1 year ago

Does your modification of markup.c impact other builds?