rougier / freetype-py

Python binding for the freetype library
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New repository for freetype-py ? #111

Open rougier opened 5 years ago

rougier commented 5 years ago

Maybe we could have a dedicated organization (freetype ?) where this repo could be moved. I'm ok keeping the repo under my repo but since I'm not the most active anymore, it might be a better solution in the long term.

What do you think ?

HinTak commented 5 years ago

There hasn't been any big disagreement on how/what freetype-py works between the people who are contributing, so there is no strong need for any organizational structure yet. Though some of the others are probably funded by some org to work on freetype-py, and may want more visibility/acknowledgement. (I am mildly against it moving under a big corporation's umbrella).

rougier commented 5 years ago

By organization, I mean only a GitHub organization. But if everyone's fine with the current situation, I'm fine too.

madig commented 5 years ago

There's the FreeType upstream GitHub organization: Werner is still wary of newfangled development platforms, so the offical repo is not on GitHub. I guess placing it there would give freetype-py an official seal of approval, which would be ok I guess? @cherusker

cherusker commented 5 years ago

Right, exists and is "officially maintained by FreeType". Moving freetype-py over there seems like a good idea to me but @lemzwerg (Werner) has to agree to that first. Since I'm not sure how active Werner is on GitHub, @rougier could you maybe shoot a message to the devel mailing list ( and kindly ask for Werner's approval? That way everyone else in that list can also voice their opinion but I don't think there will be much (if any) resistance.

@HinTak I hear you but can't totally follow you. Could you please elaborate on your point why it's a bad idea to make freetype-py a little bit more official? As far as I am concerned, pure-private repos are used for prototyping while org repos are used for spreading software that is (or was at some point) legitimately ready for distribution due to somewhat higher credibility.

lemzwerg commented 5 years ago

If you want to move this is OK with me. IMHO, it doesn't really matter where the repository is located, so it is fully OK with me if you don't move :-)

That I don't migrate FreeType to github has more philosophical reasons than practical ones...

HinTak commented 5 years ago

I am okay with moving to I am against moving to google or googlefonts (which some of the other contributors are affiliated to).

cherusker commented 5 years ago

I see and totally agree, @HinTak.

I have just granted both of you, @rougier and @HinTak admin rights to; feel free to move freetype-py whenever you feel ready 👍

rougier commented 5 years ago

@cherusker Thanks. Can you also add @madig ?

cherusker commented 5 years ago

@madig is already part of that org 😄

Korijn commented 1 year ago

@rougier maybe it's time to make the move?

I would also really like to help maintain, together with @almarklein as our projects are critically dependent on this library.

rougier commented 1 year ago

Well actually, I don't think there are new reason to move.