rougier / freetype-py

Python binding for the freetype library
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Make cairo based examples more beginner friendly. #115

Open Suzumizaki opened 4 years ago

Suzumizaki commented 4 years ago

I reformed examples which cooperating with "cairo", and placed at But I know too many fixed for one pull-request. Are there any ideas or should treat them as just for only my own use?

I did:

Note: I don't know how to correctly run on Mac OS.

Tested with:


HinTak commented 4 years ago

I don't think you should relocate those files; they depend on Vera.tff and VeraMono.tff in the current directory, and I also don't like that you are "demoting" cairo based examples versus graph-plotting Pillow-based, putting them into a sub-directory - they are equal and different ways of drawing.

This apparently probably means you perhaps mistakenly always run "" in the directory above, where the two fonts are located ... like "./with_cairo/" , or some other PATH-based magic ?

Also, if "" is singular and different from the others, you should name it so - e.g. all capital, or starts with "00..." etc?

if you put "if __name___ ..." in one set, you should put them in the other set too - as I said, they are two different ways of drawing, and intentionally kept the same, except where the drawing codes is different.

pycairo was unmaintained/under-maintained, and had python 2/3 forks, when I re-wrote the examples - yes, I wrote all of the cairo examples, to teach myself pycairo - hence the comments about switching to cairoffi ; since then, pycairo had been updated / unified. While the maintained-status with cairoffi may be in the opposite.

I think libtiff is only used for some very edge cases - mono bitmaps?

I don't think there is an infinite loop in - ?

On Mac OS X, AppleEmoji is located in one of the system font folders; I didn't want to hard-code the path, but it is located in /System/Library/Fonts/ or /Library/Fonts (and depending on the version of OS, ttf or ttc) . You can symlink / copy the emoji font file to the current directory to run it. (as all the examples assume the font file is in the current directory).

Mostly I don't think you should put them into a different folder - unless you also put the other set into their own; and also I don't think you should modify only the cairo set for things like "if __name___ ..." . If you add those, add them to both sets.

I'll possibly have a look at what you did, and selectively merge some of the ideas (like the ARGB changes) into upstreams at some point; but do ping / remind me if I don't get around to it.

Suzumizaki commented 4 years ago

Thank you for reply quickly.

Also, if "" is singular and different from the others, you should name it so - e.g. all capital, or starts with "00..." etc?

I think that is not so important thing(there's only 10 samples and the filename tells what it will do), but I can accept the idea. I like '00_' prefix better than all capitals.

like "./with_cairo/" , or some other PATH-based magic ?

Sorry I forgot to add. but we can do like below, something problems?:

import os
cwd = os.getcwd()
    (... run samples ...)

if you put "if __name___ ..." in one set, you should put them in the other set too - as I said, they are two different ways of drawing, and intentionally kept the same, except where the drawing codes is different.

Also, I don't think consistency is important between sets, because if differences exist we can learn more about python itself. Or, If the unifing is important, I think we should make the modules which contains only the diferences.

pycairo had been updated / unified. While the maintained-status with cairoffi may be in the opposite.

Really?! On my Windows 10, I can't install pycairo both python2/3 with pip, but I can cairocffi on both python2/3! Also I succeeded to install cairocffi on Mac OS, but haven't try pycairo on Mac. I'll try later.

I think libtiff is only used for some very edge cases - mono bitmaps?

Yes, but " (master)" does it when called with dummy arguments. (And sorry, "" does it as default. That's my fault.)

I don't think there is an infinite loop in - ?

"Looks like infinite" case. Rarely one, but it can take over 10-times longer than major case.

Mostly I don't think you should put them into a different folder - unless you also put the other set into their own; and also I don't think you should modify only the cairo set for things like "if __name___ ..." . If you add those, add them to both sets.

OK, I understand. but sorry to say, it might be somewhat hard work for me than I did. Because I have some difficulty to run 'not cairo' samples currently.

I'll possibly have a look at what you did, and selectively merge some of the ideas (like the ARGB changes) into upstreams at some point; but do ping / remind me if I don't get around to it.

Thank you for now. When I have the time to retry later, I will fix more issue splitted version of them.

HinTak commented 4 years ago

Okay, that's interesting - I am surprised that you have problens running the mathplotlib drawing set. They were the older ones, and I thought they are more platform-neutral.

Cairo's support (I meant Cairo itself, not cairo's python bindings) on windows has been historically somewhat poor - the name "Cairo" came from "Xr" (greek "X" - "chi", pronounced "kai", and "r", "rho"), for "X render", and was initially somewhat tied to X11 / unix.

HinTak commented 4 years ago

I have had a quick look at the actual code - besides relocating, you also renamed the files (changing "-" to "_" in the file names). That makes diff'ing (with git diff HEAD:example/ YOURS:examples/with_cairo - which can diff across repo and relocations) and comparing difficult...

Anyway, I think it needs to be broken down into a lot of different commits. For example, the FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA addition is alright, but you should not cast from FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA to cairo's FORMAT_ARGB32, as although they are the same on small endian platforms, strictly speaking not the same, as one is small-endian (regardless of host type) while the other is host byte-order, which is small-endian on Intel.

As I said, I'll put some of the ideas upstream gradually, when I get round to it.

Suzumizaki commented 4 years ago

you also renamed the files (changing "-" to "_" in the file names).

Yes, because I want to run them at once from '', due to import statement cannot use hyphen("-") as module name. Of course as you say I should make pull-request to change only their name, if I want to do so.