rougier / freetype-py

Python binding for the freetype library
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FT_Exception: (cannot open resource) - non-english file path #157

Open moi15moi opened 2 years ago

moi15moi commented 2 years ago

freetype.Face() seems to not take non-ascii path. It will raise an exception.

With a string path

import freetype
font = freetype.Face(r"C:\Windows\Fonts\حُرّ عادي.ttf") # it return: freetype.ft_errors.FT_Exception: FT_Exception:  (cannot open resource)

With an BufferedReader

from pathlib import Path
import freetype
font = freetype.Face(Path(r"C:\Windows\Fonts\حُرّ عادي.ttf").open("rb")) # Works
HinTak commented 2 years ago

Try C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\حُرّ عادي.ttf (double backslash) or "C:/Windows/Fonts/حُرّ عادي.ttf". This is likely a Windows IO anomaly.

moi15moi commented 2 years ago

I try the two method you have suggest. Both of them give me the same exception.

freetype.Face("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\حُرّ عادي.ttf")
freetype.Face("C:/Windows/Fonts/حُرّ عادي.ttf")
rougier commented 2 years ago

Can you print here what is Path(r"C:\Windows\Fonts\حُرّ عادي.ttf")?

moi15moi commented 2 years ago

It print me this (so the exact same thing that I provide): C:\Windows\Fonts\حُرّ عادي.ttf

rougier commented 2 years ago

Is is a PosixPath ?

moi15moi commented 2 years ago

No, simply a path.

It will instanciate a windows path since I am on windows:

HinTak commented 2 years ago

AFAIK it needs to be something acceptable to windows' c runtime's fopen().

Python 3 is unicode internally and needs some encoding on all platforms. Unix's takes utf8, while some windows internal bits are utf16. You might be able to experiment by playing with python ctypes on Windows directly. I am afraid this is one area where playing with wine does not help, and wine differs slightly in behavior compared to windows. Ie running windows python on wine is no help.

rougier commented 2 years ago

@HinTak We could use pathlib internally and we would be on the safe side, no?

HinTak commented 2 years ago

@rougier yes, apparently it is included in python standard library since 3.4 (and we had a separate frozen-ish 2.x branch). If anybody cares enough about older 3.x, they should do their own thing and/or submit a pull.

That said, we really want to know why it doesn't work on Windows with non-ascii paths. The "/" vs "\" (and needing to double "\" or switch to "/") is relatively well known. Win32 IO have ascii vs unicode IO routines, but I don't think freetype uses those.

Thinking about it, @moi15moi , where did you get your libfreetype.dll? I am wondering if msvc compiled ones uses the win32 routines. I am quite sure mingw built ones don't.

moi15moi commented 2 years ago

Thinking about it, @moi15moi , where did you get your libfreetype.dll? I am wondering if msvc compiled ones uses the win32 routines. I am quite sure mingw built ones don't.

I don't know what you are talking about. I just install freetype-py like this: pip install freetype-py

HinTak commented 2 years ago

@moi15moi argh, sorry somebody else among the team did the bundled binaries. According to , it is probably msvc (=visual studio) + cmake -built.

rougier commented 2 years ago

I agree it would be good to know why it fails. See also

HinTak commented 2 years ago

I was just reminded of a somewhat similar issue in a different project I work on: File names go through two translation processes, one as it crosses the non-C / C boundary (in both cases, the non-C sides are widows-based and uses UTF16). Then between freetype and the file-system. There workaround there was to read the file in full in memory on the non-C side, and passes the whole block of memory to freetype. (We never "solved" it, just found a workaround and moved on...)

The two questions are mainly what bytes as a file name FreeType receives, and can one open a file with those bytes via fopen.

rougier commented 2 years ago

Can't we use the pathlib library to solve the translation problem for us then?

cd-86 commented 2 years ago

I encountered the same problem, and it was solved by changing the encoding of line 162 of freetype/ to ansi

def _encode_filename(filename):
    # encoded = filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
    encoded = filename.encode('ansi')
    if "?" not in filename and b"?" in encoded:
        # A bug, decoding mbcs always ignore exception, still isn't fixed in Python 2,
        # view for detail
        raise UnicodeError()
    return encoded
moi15moi commented 2 years ago

This is not a good idea.

moi15moi commented 1 year ago

@rougier Have you found any alternative?

moi15moi commented 1 year ago

I just found this issue: This may help you

HinTak commented 1 year ago

No, you did not notice the "won't fix" label on the issue you referenced. :-).

moi15moi commented 1 year ago

Exactly. Then, when the font filename contain an non ascii char and the platform is windows, we could simply create a memory font.

HinTak commented 1 year ago

Not sure what you are asking for. It is the same as what you did, freetype.Face(Path(r"C:\Windows\Fonts\حُرّ عادي.ttf").open("rb")), creating a memory font. This is pretty much how the sharpfont solution works too, just read it via the non-C way, then passes the block of memory to the c-side to freetype.