rougier / nano-emacs

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Problems with minibuffer when modeline is disbled #56

Closed samarthkulshrestha closed 3 years ago

samarthkulshrestha commented 3 years ago

Hey! I'm actually not that new to emacs, but I used to use doom emacs, but now I'm trying to configure vanilla emacs. I thought starting out with nano-emacs would be great because it matches my taste, and till now, I'm LOVING nano-emacs.

I have one problem though: I saw that you are disabling menu-bar-mode conditionally (I don't know much elisp, so forgive me if I use programming terms unrelated to elisp but to other languages). But that does not disable the menu bar for me, even though I'm not using OSX (you mentioned it in the comment). If I remove

;; No menu bar
(if (display-graphic-p)
    (menu-bar-mode t) ;; When nil, focus problem on OSX
  (menu-bar-mode -1))

and replace it with just (menu-bar-mode -1) , the minibuffer doesn't show up when I start emacs, or sometimes it shows up lower than expected, with half the line cut off, and the line above the text not visible. 2021-02-17-@10-26-29-scrot

It only shows up after some message is displayed in the minibuffer, for example, when type :w <RET> (I use evil mode) on a scratch buffer and the modeline says Please specify a file name for the buffer. 2021-02-17-@10-41-10-scrot

Any help is appreciated, Thanks.

samarthkulshrestha commented 3 years ago

Uhh, actually I figured it out. I'm sorry it wasn't an issue with nano-emacs, it was just because I use a tiling wm, and it was forcing the window to a specific size. Now I've set it to floating mode, and it's okay now.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

rougier commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report, it might be useful for others. And the "weird" test to disable menu-bar comes from a flickering issue on OSX. I found this fix somewhere but I don't remember where...