roundcube / roundcubemail

The Roundcube Webmail suite
GNU General Public License v3.0
5.64k stars 1.61k forks source link

identities not displayed #1975

Closed rcubetrac closed 15 years ago

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Reported by danielkr on 2 Dec 2008 18:36 UTC as Trac ticket #1485595

hi, i've checked out roundcube from the svn (r2107) and have an issue with the identites:[the list in the settings-identities-tab is empty (but there are >1 in the db for the account i am using)[BR)] 2) clicking on 'add' does not display any new contents, so there are no forms or inputs or something[when i want to write an email the sender-input is empty, too[BR)]

i hope you can fix this, so i can use my identites again :)

thanks, daniel

Keywords: identities Migrated-From:

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by @alecpl on 2 Dec 2008 18:41 UTC

Check identities_level option setting, also clear browser cache. Works for me.

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Status changed by @alecpl on 2 Dec 2008 18:41 UTC

new => closed

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Milestone changed by @alecpl on 2 Dec 2008 18:41 UTC

=> 0.2-stable

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by danielkr on 2 Dec 2008 19:23 UTC

i've tried it with multiple browsers and all had the same problem.[identitieslevel is set to 0.[BR] and i even can't select an identity for sending emails.

i forgot to say that i upgraded my roundcube from 0.1-rc2 but the upgrade-script had no warnings/errors and the sql-update also went well. i use postgres and there are definitely some entries in the table

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Status changed by danielkr on 2 Dec 2008 19:23 UTC

closed => reopened

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by @alecpl on 3 Dec 2008 07:24 UTC

And no errors in logs/errors? Did you update of database schema? Check identities table structure.

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by danielkr on 3 Dec 2008 07:51 UTC

i updated the database using the postgres.update.sql[[BR]]

this is how it looks:

                                      Table "public.identities"
     Column     |          Type          |                         Modifiers
 identity_id    | integer                | not null default nextval(('identity_ids'::text)::regclass)
 user_id        | integer                | not null
 del            | integer                | not null default 0
 standard       | integer                | not null default 0
 name           | character varying(128) | not null
 organization   | character varying(128) |
 email          | character varying(128) | not null
 reply-to       | character varying(128) |
 bcc            | character varying(128) |
 signature      | text                   |
 html_signature | integer                | not null default 0
    "identities_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (identity_id)
    "identities_user_id_idx" btree (user_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "identities_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE

and this is an example from the table:

 identity_id | user_id | del | standard |  name   | organization |    email     |  reply-to    | bcc | signature | html_signature
           1 |       1 |   0 |        1 | My Name |              | | |     |           |              

neither my lighttpd-log, postgres-sql-log nor the roundcube-log have any errors regarding this issue.

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by tensor on 5 Dec 2008 23:36 UTC

What browser?

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by danielkr on 7 Dec 2008 14:49 UTC

i used safari 3.2 and firefox 3.0.4. i am not sure, what the problem was. i reinstalled roundcube and everything works fine now.

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Status changed by @alecpl on 7 Dec 2008 16:49 UTC

reopened => closed

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by the glu on 7 Dec 2008 17:41 UTC


I can list, edit, but no add. No errors in log or whatever.

There is a missing

entitie when I want to add an identitiy

Edit :

Modifier l'lment
Add :

Nouvelle identit
rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Status changed by the glu on 7 Dec 2008 17:41 UTC

closed => reopened

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by @alecpl on 8 Dec 2008 07:23 UTC

That tag is needed. The page is valid, checked with w3c validator. So, I don't see what's your point. Closing, as this is working for me and issue requestor.

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Status changed by @alecpl on 8 Dec 2008 07:23 UTC

reopened => closed

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by the glu on 8 Dec 2008 11:12 UTC

The tag is needed, but the tag is missing when I want to add an identitiy, and make the page invalid, move the 'new identity' to the identities list, and hide the form to add an identity.

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by @alecpl on 8 Dec 2008 11:27 UTC

Are you sure, you are using default skin files from svn-trunk? Works for me with FF3 and Opera9.6. There's no missing tag.

rcubetrac commented 15 years ago

Comment by the glu on 8 Dec 2008 20:39 UTC

Dosen't happen anymore, I clear my Fx cache ;)