rouxemmanuel / DigitalSigning

Digital Signing Alfresco plugin
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Help to update this addon #41

Closed p4535992 closed 6 years ago

p4535992 commented 7 years ago

Hi, i'm working to "prepare" this addon to work with the standard structure of Alfresco SDK 2.2.0 and 3.0.0 so i started to manage the code to my fork p4535992/DigitalSigning, but i'm encountered some problem:

1) How do you add the aspect "dtgsgn:key" to the keystore (e.g. test.jks) under the folder "SigningKey" , because of the property type "d:encrypted" the webscript "addAspect" of alfresco says "impossible to update the aspects" under put some log on the machine i found the message "the property must be encrypted from the clien side" any idea about that? or better can you write to me the steps you make to set the keystore on the alfresco server machine, i must made something wrong on the installation.

2) After i remove the type "d:encrypt" from the apsect "dtgsgn:key" i succesfully added the aspect to my keystore and signed with success a pdf document ... i mean i see the message say "The document is been signed" but i can't see on the destination folder i choose on the form the signed document .

i know is a little to much to ask but if you can take a look to the SDK 2.2.0 Alfresco and Share project for these problem , i will very grateful.

P.S. i just started to use alfresco so any critic is welcome.