Dear Dr. Ouyang
I'm Innovator in using sisso code and would like to use it in my machine-learning projects. However, I compiled it by mpiiforf without any compilation error, but when I run it at the presence of and train.dat files, the code crashes and shows this error:
Both and train.dat are attached for clarity.
This is my file:
! keywords for the target properties
nsample=33 ! number of samples for each task
desc_dim=5 ! dimension of the descriptor
restart=.false. ! set .true. to continue a job that was stopped but not yet finished
!keywords for feature construction and sure independence screening
nsf= 4 ! number of scalar features (one feature is one number for each material)
rung=2 ! rung (<=3) of the feature space to be constructed (times of applying the opset recursively)
maxcomplexity=10 ! max feature complexity (number of operators in a feature)
dimclass=(1:2:3:4) ! group features according to their dimension/unit; those not in any () are dimensionless
maxfval_lb=1e-3 ! features having the max. abs. data value < maxfval_lb will not be selected
maxfval_ub=1e5 ! features having the max. abs. data value > maxfval_ub will not be selected
subs_sis=50 ! size of the SIS-selected (single) subspace for each descriptor dimension
!keywords for descriptor identification via a sparsifying operator
method='L0' ! sparsification operator: 'L1L0' or 'L0'; L0 is recommended!
fit_intercept=.true. ! fit to a nonzero intercept (.true.) or force the intercept to zero (.false.)
metric='RMSE' ! for regression only, the metric for model selection: RMSE,MaxAE
nm_output=100 ! number of the best models to output
Dear Dr. Ouyang I'm Innovator in using sisso code and would like to use it in my machine-learning projects. However, I compiled it by mpiiforf without any compilation error, but when I run it at the presence of and train.dat files, the code crashes and shows this error:
Both and train.dat are attached for clarity. This is my file:
train.dat :
Any guideline would be greatly appreciated.