rovo89 / android_art

Android ART with modifications for the Xposed framework.
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Sporadic runtime crash after calling takeScreenshot in PhoneWindowManager #78

Open C3C0 opened 6 years ago

C3C0 commented 6 years ago

This crash is sporadic as it happens from time to time only. Hard to tell what kind of condition is responsible for it to happen. Trigger: Framework: 90-beta3 Build fingerprint: 'google/taimen/taimen:8.1.0/OPM4.171019.021.E1/4769646:user/release-keys' Log: 2018-06-13-14-46-49.txt

Same scenario, different device: Bullhead_screenshot_crash.txt

According to the user reports, it also happens when screenshot is triggered using native screenshot chord (VolumeKey down + Power key)

zilinhero commented 6 years ago

please fix this bug,the bug is annoying. My device is pixel 2 XL with oreo 8.1.0 it also happens when screenshot is triggered using native screenshot chord (VolumeKey down + Power key)