rowan-vr / CustomAdvancements

Custom Advancements is an easy to configure minecraft plugin where you can create your own advancements for your server. Your players can use the easy to use GUI to see the advancements and their progress and how to activate them!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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The icons on the progress GUI overlap and cannot be clicked #184

Open LIslime opened 9 months ago

LIslime commented 9 months ago

Hello, when I use the plugin, the icons in the progress GUI overlap each other. I don't know how to solve this problem. I hope you can help me take a look. TF EVLQ$MYP(M6} 3OP6BAU The following is the relevant configuration:

1. example.yml: options: auto_active: true rewards: command: type: message value: '&a◆ &f恭喜你完成萌新阶段的所有成就' display_name: 萌新 description: '&f阶段成就' item: GRASS_BLOCK gui_location: auto minecraft-gui-display: true minecraft-gui-background: textures/block/anvil.png rewards: {} advancements: '1': type: BlockBreak value: OAK_LOG,ACACIA_LOG,SPRUCE_LOG amount: 10 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' display: name: 伐木工 item: CHEST gui_location: auto unit: 砍伐木材 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 砍伐10块木头 minecraft-toast: true '2': type: BlockPlace value: OAK_SAPLING,ACACIA_SAPLING,SPRUCE_SAPLING amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: example.1 display: name: 栽一棵树,净一方水土 item: OAK_SAPLING gui_location: auto unit: 种植树苗 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 种植一棵树苗 minecraft-toast: true '3': type: Chat value: any amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' display: name: 初次见面 item: WRITABLE_BOOK gui_location: auto unit: 发言 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 在聊天栏打个招呼 minecraft-toast: true '4': type: Craftitem value: CRAFTING_TABLE amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: example.2 display: name: 工作台 item: CRAFTING_TABLE gui_location: auto unit: 工作台 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 制作一个工作台 minecraft-toast: true '5': type: blockstravelled value: amount: 500 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' display: name: 步行500里 item: LEATHER_BOOTS gui_location: auto unit: 移动 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 移动500个方块的距离 minecraft-toast: true '6': type: Craftitem value: WOODEN_PICKAXE amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: example.4 display: name: 这是?木镐! item: WOODEN_PICKAXE gui_location: auto unit: 木镐 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 制作一把木镐 minecraft-toast: true '7': type: Craftitem value: WOODEN_SWORD amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: example.4 display: name: 习武第一步 item: WOODEN_SWORD gui_location: auto unit: 木剑 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 制作一把木剑 minecraft-toast: true '8': type: Craftitem value: WOODEN_AXE amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: example.4 display: name: 进阶伐木工 item: WOODEN_AXE gui_location: auto unit: 木斧 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 制作一把木斧 minecraft-toast: true '9': type: BlockBreak value: any amount: 100 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: example.6 display: name: 挖掘者 item: COBBLESTONE gui_location: auto unit: 破坏 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 破坏100个方块 minecraft-toast: true '10': type: impossible value: amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: bevip: type: permission value: essentials.home display_item: barrier display_name: 村民解锁 message: 达到村民身份后解锁 quest: type: advancement value: example.9 quest1: type: advancement value: example.5 quest1: type: advancement value: example.3 display: name: 身份晋升-村民 item: NAME_TAG gui_location: auto unit: 晋升 minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL description: 完成萌新阶段所有成就并晋升至村民 minecraft-toast: true

cm.yml: `options: auto_active: false rewards: command: type: message value: '&a◆ &f恭喜你完成村民阶段的所有成就' display_name: 村民 description: '&f阶段成就' item: STONE gui_location: auto minecraft-gui-display: true minecraft-gui-background: textures/block/stone.png advancements: '1c': type: BlockBreak value: IRON_ORE amount: 8 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: bevip: type: permission value: essentials.home display_item: barrier display_name: 村民解锁 message: 达到村民身份后解锁 display: name: 开采金属 item: IRON_ORE gui_location: auto unit: 挖掘8个铁矿石 minecraft-gui-frame: "GOAL" description: 开采8个铁矿石 minecraft-toast: true '2c': type: craftitem value: IRON_PICKAXE amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: cm.5c display: name: 这是..铁镐?! item: IRON_PICKAXE gui_location: auto unit: 合成铁镐 minecraft-gui-frame: "GOAL" description: 合成一把铁镐 '3c': type: craftitem value: CHEST amount: 2 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: display: name: 我还想要更大,更多的存储空间! item: CHEST gui_location: auto unit: 制作2个箱子 minecraft-gui-frame: "GOAL" description: '合成2个箱子' '4c': type: craftitem value: IRON_SWORD amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: cm.6c display: name: 习武第二步 item: IRON_SWORD gui_location: auto unit: 制造一把铁剑 minecraft-gui-frame: "GOAL" description: '在工作台内制造一把铁剑' '5c': type: obtainitem value: IRON_INGOT amount: 3 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: cm.1c display: name: 获取一点点铁 item: IRON_INGOT gui_location: auto unit: 获取3个铁锭 minecraft-gui-frame: "GOAL" description: '亮晶晶的,沉甸甸的...'

'6c': type: obtainitem value: IRON_INGOT amount: 27 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: cm.2c display: name: 获取更多的铁 item: IRON_INGOT gui_location: auto unit: 获取27个铁锭 minecraft-gui-frame: "GOAL" description: '再多一点,再多一点...' '7c': type: craftitem value: IRON_LEGGINGS,IRON_BOOTS,IRON_CHESTPLATE,IRON_HELMET amount: 4 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: cm.6c display: name: 来一套铁套,谢谢 item: IRON_CHESTPLATE gui_location: auto unit: 制造一个铁头盔,一个铁胸甲,一个铁护腿以及一个铁靴子 minecraft-gui-frame: "GOAL" description: '虽然戴上去的时候会叮当叮当的响,但能令人心神安定' '11c': type: craftitem value: TORCH amount: 1 rewards: message: type: message value: '&a你已达成进度!' requirements: advancement: type: advancement value: cm.7c display: name: 火把 item: TORCH gui_location: auto unit: 制作四个火把 minecraft-gui-frame: "GOAL" description: '制作一些火把,且用它照亮你将要踏上的未明路途'`