rowan-vr / CustomAdvancements

Custom Advancements is an easy to configure minecraft plugin where you can create your own advancements for your server. Your players can use the easy to use GUI to see the advancements and their progress and how to activate them!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Suggestion] Mythicmobs, MythicCrucible, and Itemsadder compatibility #77

Open BookWyrm114 opened 1 year ago

BookWyrm114 commented 1 year ago

1: Allow MythicMobs ( entities to be counted as valid entities with the format mythicmob:[custom mob name] (this also means mythicmobs entities will have to be counted as separate entity types, so that, for example, killing a mythicmob that's actually a modified zombie won't trigger an advancement set to trigger if you kill a vanilla zombie.)

example config:

type: killentity
value: COW,PIG,PLAYER,mythicmob:elephant,GHAST
amount: 500

2: allow MythicCrucible ( items to be counted as valid item types with the format mythiccrucible:[item name]

type: craftitem
value: COOKIE,COMPASS,mythiccrucible:gun
amount: 10

3: Allow Itemsadder ( custom blocks and items to be entered as valid block and item types in advancement files with the format itemsadder:[namespace]:item/block name]


type: BlockPlace
value: OAK_LOG,ACACIA_LOG,SPRUCE_LOG,itemsadder:customlogs:maple_log
amount: 10

type: consume
value: COOKIE,COOKED_COD,itemsadder:food:pizza
amount: 10
BookWyrm114 commented 1 year ago

After checking through other suggestions I see you'd want a description of each plugin along with a link to the plugin page.

Mythicmobs ( is a plugin allowing users to add custom mobs by modifying vanilla mobs with custom mechanics, AI, behaviors, and even custom entity models and animations if used with a plugin like ModelEngine ( Mythicmob support would be nice so that advancements can be added that require a player to kill, or somehow interact with, a custom mob.

MythicCrucible (, is a plugin made by the same developers of mythicmobs, that uses the same scripting system as mythicmobs, to allow users to make custom items with extensive capabilities. (MythicCrucible will supposedly support custom blocks in the near future as well). MythicCrucible compatibility would be nice so custom crucible items can be used in advancements

Itemsadder ( Is a plugin allowing users to easily create custom items, blocks, armor, mobs, GUIs, and more. Compatibility with Itemsadder would be great because advancements involving custom items and blocks would be very useful for server utilizing it.

Other cool plugins that I didn't suggest compatibility with that might be good to add compatibility with in the future:

Oraxen ( is basically itemsadder, but it's very unstable and less performant though it does have more features overall, Itemsadder is more stable and more widely used so I neglected to suggest this.

Iris ( is a great customizable world generator, but CustomAdvancements has no dimension/biome-related advancements yet I suggested biome/dimension advancement types in another issue, but Iris would need specific compatibility for any biome-related advancements because it completely replaces vanilla minecraft's biome system in iris-generated worlds in order to improve performance. I didn't suggest this because there aren't any relevant advancement types yet

MythicEnchantments ( Is another plugin by the developers of mythicmobs and mythiccrucible, allowing for custom enchantments with advancement table compatibility and more. MythicEnchantments compatibility would be great for the enchant advancement type, but MythicEnchantments is still in Alpha and isn't very stable so it wouldn't be worth the effort to add compatibility yet.

00Hrtz commented 1 year ago

As far as using Custom Items with custom model data are concerned i.e. Itemsadder, Custom Advancements already allows for this. You can also use the rewards to run the Itemsadder give command. Example below.

    type: message
    value: '&6You earnt 1000 Coin.'
    type: consolecommand
    value: iagive %player%  <item id> <quantity>

  name: 'Get Rich!'
  item: STICK
  description: "Earn 1000 Coin\n - %customadvancements_progress_percentage_economy.coin1%% Completed!"
  gui_location: '1:10'
     damage: 12
     custommodeldata: 190