rowan-vr / CustomAdvancements

Custom Advancements is an easy to configure minecraft plugin where you can create your own advancements for your server. Your players can use the easy to use GUI to see the advancements and their progress and how to activate them!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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GUI-Location does not work or alter anything #88

Open NMLEthereal opened 2 years ago

NMLEthereal commented 2 years ago

Hello! Awesome plugin, however a minor issue I have found is that gui_location does not work no matter how much I tinker with it.

Here is my current config, what is the "right" syntax for this? The wiki is unclear.

I also noticed that there are 2 different options. "gui_location" & "guiLocation". Neither works.


  auto_active: true
  display_name: First Steps
  description: ''
  item: PAPER
    custommodeldata: 10083
  gui_location: auto
  minecraft-gui-display: true
  minecraft-gui-background: textures/block/mud.png
  rewards: {}
    type: impossible
    amount: 1
      name: Welcome to Ustea
      item: PAPER
        custommodeldata: 10071
      description: '&eYou completed the Tutorial'
      gui_location: '2:3'
      guiLocation: '2:3'
      minecraft-gui-frame: GOAL
      minecraft-toast: true
      minecraft-chat-announce: true
      unit: times
    type: impossible
    amount: 1
      name: Troubleshooter
      item: PAPER
      description: '&eYou worked with &6Echo &eto solve a technical issue!'
      gui_location: '2:3'
      guiLocation: '2:3'
      minecraft-gui-frame: TASK
      minecraft-toast: true
      minecraft-chat-announce: true
      unit: times
    type: impossible
    amount: 1
      name: Getting The Hang Of It
      item: PAPER
      description: '&eYou completed your first &6Quest&e!'
      gui_location: '2:3'
      guiLocation: '2:3'
      minecraft-gui-frame: TASK
      minecraft-toast: true
      minecraft-chat-announce: true
      unit: times
    type: impossible
    amount: 1
      name: Helpful Hand
      item: PAPER
      description: '&eYou completed your first &6Side-Quest&e!'
      gui_location: '2:3'
      guiLocation: '2:3'
      minecraft-gui-frame: TASK
      minecraft-toast: true
      minecraft-chat-announce: true
      unit: times
    type: impossible
    amount: 1
      name: Doing My Chores
      item: PAPER
      description: '&eYou completed your first &6Daily-Quest&e!'
      gui_location: '2:3'
      guiLocation: '2:3'
      minecraft-gui-frame: TASK
      minecraft-toast: true
      minecraft-chat-announce: true
      unit: times
rowan-vr commented 1 year ago

Hi, this location you are trying to set is only for the chest GUI, Not the Minecraft GUI, Currently this is completely decided by the tree algorithm of Minecraft itself. This is however a feature I want to add