rowland / fb

Firebird Extension Library for Ruby
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Fb support Ruby 1.9.x. #4

Closed vixlima closed 14 years ago

vixlima commented 14 years ago


Has some possibility of Fb support ruby 1.9.1?


Andre Lima

rowland commented 14 years ago

It's possible, but it turned out not to be a straight-forward process the last time I tried and everyone else who tried made limited progress. Hopefully it will be important enough to somebody to put in the time.

mariuz commented 14 years ago

I will see what we can do , seems there are some changes that needs to be made to the driver re.h seems to be deprecated and also there are many things that will break and needs to be tested

rowland commented 14 years ago

re.h was one issue, but the bigger one will be M17N. Fb hasn't had to concern itself with character sets up to now.