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Firebird Extension Library for Ruby
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Blobs are threted like strings, even if it is binary data... #44

Closed ramsees closed 8 years ago

ramsees commented 8 years ago

I have blob field in a table where I store PDFs, there is no problem storing them, but when I retrieve a PDF from then blob field and save it to a file, the PDF file is corrupted, if I do table['pdf_field'].class I get "string", why? it is supposed to be binary.

This is the code to extract the PDF file from the field., "w") do |f|

If I extract those fileds in C# the fields are extracted fine.


rowland commented 8 years ago

Ruby strings can be binary. If you're on Windows, you may need to open the file with "wb" to keep \r from being translated to \r\n.


ramsees commented 8 years ago

You are right, I was able to extract them using "wb".

Thank you.