rowland / fb

Firebird Extension Library for Ruby
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The new BOOLEAN datatype doesn't work in fb... #53

Open adrianlmm opened 7 years ago

adrianlmm commented 7 years ago

I'm trying Firebird 3 and in a Select statement if it includes a Boolean column I get the next error:

Specified table includes unsupported datatype (32764) (Fb::Error)

Please add support for the Boolean data type.

Thank tou.

woblavobla commented 7 years ago

What especially do you mean? Please provide more information. And i think that this adapter is supporting fb 2.5 by default.

rowland commented 7 years ago

I haven't tried building it against Firebird 3 yet. If it builds and mostly works, that would be good news and adding boolean types might not be too large a project.

adrianlmm commented 7 years ago

I have build the gem in Firebird 3 w/o problems, I can make selects and inserts as long there are not Boolean columns in the table, everything else seems to work fine.

adrianlmm commented 7 years ago

Any updates on this? =)

fernandobatels commented 6 years ago

Hi, too late, but today i implemented the support for boolean datatype on my fork:

In the future i will do one pull request, but you can not use my fork, with fb3-support branch, for testing my changes without any problem :)

rowland commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your patience. Just merged @fernandobatels PR. fb 0.9.0 is on Have not personally tested FB 3.

fernandobatels commented 5 years ago

Hi, i think we can close this issue